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The support of the London police for holding a rally of supporters of Palestine against Rishi Sunak’s objections

The head of the London Metropolitan Police issued a statement against the request of the British Prime Minister and the Minister of Home Affairs to ban the holding of a rally of supporters of Palestine, stating that there is no “legal mechanism” to ban the holding of this rally on the day of “ceasefire” in this country.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, London Metropolitan Police Chief “Mark Milley” stated in a statement that he recently published that there is no legal basis for banning the planning march. made by the supporters of Palestine on November 11, which coincides with “ceasefire day”, does not exist. The political demonstration of supporters of Palestine with the organizers of the commemoration ceremony for the victims of the First World War is called. It aims to raise awareness and call for an end to the conflicts against the people of Gaza in the Middle East. On the same day, a ceremony will be held on the occasion of the anniversary of “Armistice Day” on November 11, which commemorates the end of the First World War. A ceremony that the British government holds every year with the aim of honoring the memory of those who participated in this war and lost their lives.

Talaghi These two ceremonies in one day have led to various statements regarding the decision of the London Metropolitan Police and the opposition of the Prime Minister of this country, and at the same time, discussions on respecting freedom of speech and the need to respect the sacrifices of military personnel during the war between The British supporters and opponents should be formed.

The statement of the Metropolitan Police comes while the British Prime Minister has promised that he will be punished for issuing permission to hold pro-Palestinian demonstrations. “request” on the day of the ceasefire. The opposition of the British Prime Minister has been supported by the Minister of Health of this country, and in his statements, he has also described the holding of a rally for supporters of Palestine on November 11 as a “mistake”.

Sunak said the Metropolitan Police chief should be “accountable” to the British government for any disturbances in the Armistice Day commemoration.

In a part of the London police statement, it is as follows:

Freedom of speech: Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in a democratic society, and the police consider the importance of peaceful demonstrations as long as they comply with the law. Fully acknowledges.

Armistice Day: Armistice Day has a lot of historical and emotional value among the British people and the police understand the importance of respecting this day completely. confirms.

Public security: The police emphasized its obligations to ensure public security during the holding of both events and asks the organizers and participants of these events to authorities to coordinate and minimize possible disturbances and disorder.

Peaceful assembly: The London police make it clear that its main concern is to hold peaceful assemblies that At the same time, the laws should not be violated during the procession.

Rishi Sunak along with British Home Secretary Suella Braverman previously asked the head of the London Metropolitan Police. Take all necessary measures to suppress pro-Palestinian protesters and prevent demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people in this country. However, their request was completely rejected by the police chief of this country by issuing the said statement.

end of message/.


publisher Fars news agency
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