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Increasing verbal tensions between Kabul-Islamabad/ Kakar: The re-appearance of the Taliban has not had a good outcome for Pakistan.

At the same time as the verbal tensions between Kabul and Islamabad increased, the interim prime minister of Pakistan announced that the re-emergence of the Taliban in Afghanistan has not had a good outcome for us.

– International news

According to the regional office of Tasnim news agency, “Anural Haq Pakistan’s acting Prime Minister Kakar told the country’s media that terrorist attacks have increased by 60 percent in the last two years since the Afghan Taliban returned to power.

With the media in Islamabad, he accused the interim government of Afghanistan of supporting the “Tehrik Taliban Pakistan” (TTP).

Kakar stated that TTP Afghanistan is using it against Pakistan.

The prime minister of the interim government of Pakistan also said: Since the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, suicide attacks in Pakistan have increased by 500 percent.

He added: “We have shared all the details with the Kabul government, but they will take action against the Tehreek-e-Taliban terrorists who live in Afghanistan and use that soil against us.” They did not”.

This is despite the fact that the Afghan government has repeatedly denied the use of this country’s soil against Pakistan.

The Acting Prime Minister of Pakistan stated: His country has decided to deport illegal refugees in accordance with Pakistan’s laws.

He also stated: “We We also ask the government of Kabul to deport all illegal Pakistanis from this country. We are ready to welcome them”. Anural Haq Kakar emphasized that we will not tolerate the use of Afghan soil against Pakistan any longer.

Kabul: Pakistan’s decision to deport Afghan refugees is commercial
Unknown fate of assets of deported Afghan refugees in Pakistan
Human Rights Watch: Pakistan should be pressured to deport Afghan refugees

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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