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Protests in Madrid against the Prime Minister of Spain

Last night, during Pedro Sanchez’s talks with the separatists to approach them to form a new government, protests were held against his plan to amnesty the separatists.

– International News

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, some time ago About three months after the Spanish parliamentary elections, “Pedro Sanchez”, the interim prime minister of this country, has reached an agreement with the separatist party of Catalonia to form a coalition government and is closer to the prime minister’s seat.

Both parties announced that Sánchez’s Social Democrats (PSOE) have reached an agreement with Catalonia’s separatist Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) to form a coalition government.

“Sánchez” has said he is in favor of amnesty for those who took part in the failed 2017 Catalan independence referendum. In exchange for supporting the PSOE in the Spanish Parliament, the ERC had asked for amnesty for its fellow fighters. is for everyone. Of course, he did not provide any details about this. “Felix Bolanos” did not ask the officials of the presidential office of this country to provide more details.

To form a government, the socialists also need the support of the Catalan party Younes, which It is also separatist.

“Sanchez” has been the Prime Minister of Spain since 2018 and has led a minority government since 2020. In the July 23 election, Sánchez’s PSOE won fewer seats than the conservatives led by opposition leader Alberto Núñez Feijo. However, Feijo failed to obtain the necessary majority in parliament to form a government.

Sánchez then began negotiations to form a new government as acting prime minister. He has already won the support of the left-leaning Somar party to form the government. Sanchez is also counting on Basque separatist votes. If he fails to win a majority, the elections will probably be held again in January. Majd needs the votes of the separatist parties and tries to gain their satisfaction and get closer to these parties to once again rely on the seat of power. Noye Perse”, during the negotiations for the formation of a new coalition government, a large demonstration took place in Madrid against the amnesty of the separatists, which is considered by Sanchez in order to reach an agreement with these parties.

During these protests, clashes Some demonstrators threw stones and other objects at the police on Tuesday evening, some showed the Hitler salute and waved the flags of Franco’s dictatorship.

Police used tear gas and baton against the participants of this demonstration. According to media reports, at least six demonstrators and a police officer were slightly injured and three people were arrested.

However, the interim government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez wants to use the amnesty law. and other concessions to secure the support of Catalonia’s two separatist parties in the lower house for another four-year term. The largest opposition party, the conservative People’s Party (PP) and the right-wing populist Vox strongly reject such concessions.

Sánchez has until November 27 to form a government. to give If he loses, elections must be held again on January 14 next year.

Spanish minister calls for Netanyahu to be tried for war crimes
Pedro Sanchez’s agreement with the Spanish separatists to form a coalition government

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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