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Belgium: The time has come to boycott Israel

On Wednesday, the Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium criticized the massive attacks of the Zionist regime against the Gaza Strip and said that the time has come to sanction Israel.

According to Fars News Agency International Group, “Petra DeSouter,” the Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, strongly criticized the attacks of the Zionist regime against the Gaza Strip on Wednesday.

During his speech, he said: “Now is the time to impose sanctions on Israel, because dropping bombs on people like rain is an inhuman act.” that Israel does not pay any attention to the request of the international community regarding the cease-fire”.

Meanwhile, “Salama Maruf”, the head of the media office of the Gaza government, said in a press conference today: “Since the beginning of the aggression 10,569 martyrs, including 4,237 children, 2,823 women and girls, and 631 elderly people have died in the 33rd day of attacks by the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip. In addition, there have been reports of more than 3,000 missing and 26,000 injured Palestinian citizens.

Salameh added: Government teams recorded the martyrdom of 1,021 citizens of Gaza and the northern Gaza Strip, who went to other areas. that the occupiers claimed to be safe in the south of the Gaza Strip were displaced; 49 journalists have been martyred since the beginning of Israel’s aggression.

This Palestinian official noted that the occupation forces have committed 1071 massacres against Palestinian families. The crimes that have killed thousands of martyrs and left injured people, the majority of whom are women and children. While 1.5 million Palestinian citizens were displaced from their homes to temporary shelters or the homes of their relatives.

end of message/.


publisher Fars news agency
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