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Ukrainian general: Russia still has significant air superiority

Ukrainian military officials and security analysts have acknowledged that Ukraine needs fighters and drones to counter Russia’s superior artillery systems, jungle and air power.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, Ukrainian military officials and security analysts admitted that Russia’s air superiority and the heavy fire of its fighters and helicopters have hampered the movement of Ukrainian forces. .

website of news network «Deutsche Welle, Germany wrote on Wednesday, General “Zalogeny”, one of the senior military officials of Ukraine, acknowledged the problems of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield in an interview with the English publication “Economist” and He said: “Today, Russia still maintains significant air superiority, and this makes it difficult for our forces to advance.” Media sources reported that the first series of fighters Dutch F-16s arrived in Romania to train Ukrainian pilots. Romania’s Ministry of Defense announced that five F-16 fighter jets of the air force landed at Fetsi Air Base on Tuesday. These fighters will be used to train pilots from Ukraine and NATO countries at the European Training Center, which is to be opened soon in Romania. “Kajsa Ollongren”, the Minister of Defense of the Netherlands, has also confirmed this news. In May, the Ukrainian military came under heavy fire from Russian helicopters. Russian fighters also attacked Ukrainian positions with missiles from a safe distance.

“Nico Lang”, a German security analyst, also wrote on the “X” social network: “Ukraine It needs fighters and drones to deal with Russia’s better artillery and forest systems.”

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu recently said that Russia’s air defense systems can F-16 fighter jets promised by the West to shoot down Ukraine in 20 days. Shoigu said in a meeting in Moscow, the capital of Russia, that in October, a total of 1,400 air targets, including 37 Ukrainian planes and 6 Atkams missiles, were shot down in air battles.

The spokesman of the Ukrainian Air Force also said on Wednesday that the Russian army has the capacity to launch 100 bombs per day, and the Ukrainian army must be equipped with advanced air defense to deal with Russian jets. Yuriy Ignat, the spokesman of the Ukrainian Air Force, said that Russia is heavily using guided bombs to target Ukrainian positions. He added that the guided bombs The reason for the ability to fly up to 70 kilometers from the launch site to the target is dangerous.

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publisher Fars news agency
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