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Irvani: There is no evidence of deviation from Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities

Iran’s representative at the United Nations said about the report of the Atomic Energy Agency: As the agency has verified and confirmed on several occasions, there is no evidence of deviation from Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities.

– International news

According to the foreign policy group Tasnim news agency, Amir Saeed Irvani, the ambassador and permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, said at the 78th session of the General Assembly in the “Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency” session: I appreciate the report of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, but it is necessary to prepare more professional and impartial reports. to emphasize

He added: Nuclear energy is vital to meet the needs of low-carbon energy, especially in developing countries. The transfer of nuclear knowledge and technology to these countries is considered vital, according to the NPT and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Safeguards should support the development of nuclear science and technology without interfering with the rights or sovereignty of NPT countries. Political exploitation of nuclear proliferation concerns to limit these rights is unacceptable.

Irvani stated: It is worrying that some countries continue to deny developing countries access to nuclear technology, violating the laws of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the NPT, while Some generously support the Israeli regime, even with secret arsenals of weapons of mass destruction. Unilateral coercive measures and double standards harm the peaceful use of nuclear energy and technical cooperation.

The representative of Iran also said: Regarding the peaceful program of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is important to note that the International Atomic Energy Agency has strong and continuous verification and monitoring activities in nuclear facilities. My country does. We expect that such continuous and deep cooperation, which takes place thanks to the goodwill of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the International Atomic Energy Agency, will be recognized.

Irvani continued: It should be emphasized that Iran has the right to exercise its rights as outlined in our Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) with the Agency regarding the admission of inspectors and other related matters. We have a constructive relationship with the International Atomic Energy Agency and its Secretariat aimed at resolving outstanding issues.

He added: However, it is very important to emphasize that when dealing with Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, facts should not be distorted or presented selectively. The illegal withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA in 2018 is of particular importance, which some countries seem to be deliberately ignoring.

Irvani emphasized: As we have consistently pointed out, there should be a clear distinction between the legal obligations of the member states under the respective safeguard agreements and their voluntary obligations. Verification and monitoring activities are voluntary JCPOA and not related to CSA. Therefore, repeated attempts to link them to the alleged issues are completely baseless and unacceptable.

The Iranian ambassador continued: Another important fact is that all of Iran’s nuclear materials and activities It has been fully announced and confirmed by the agency. With the highest number of safeguards inspections of its peaceful nuclear program, the Islamic Republic of Iran has a commendable record of cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
He stated: The Agency and the Islamic Republic of Iran have close working relations in various fields. As the Agency has verified and confirmed on several occasions, there is no evidence of deviation from Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities.

Irvani clarified: However, the impartiality, independence and professionalism of the agency should never be compromised in the framework of safeguarding obligations or be influenced by some to all countries. enjoy the rights stipulated in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s statutes.

He stated that the Zionist regime is slaughtering the defenseless Palestinians by committing the most brutal crimes, and said: In addition to its other negative roles in the region, it has assassinated our nuclear scientists. And he has sabotaged Iran’s peaceful nuclear facilities. These heinous acts of terrorism must be strongly condemned by the international community. This regime must accept responsibility for its actions and none of these crimes should be treated with impunity.

The representative of Iran continued: At the same time as the international condemnation of the Israeli regime for threatening to use nuclear weapons against Iran and recently against Gaza in the last two months, we We strongly condemn the regime for possessing weapons of mass destruction and also for threatening to use them.

Irvani said: The Israeli regime refuses to be a member of the NPT and adhere to comprehensive safeguards. The agency has refused. The agency should deal with this regime with an impartial and professional approach. Now is the time to disarm this regime and establish peace and security in the region.

Irvani: Unfortunately, the international community has not yet reacted adequately to the crimes of the Israeli regime. “>Iran’s letter to the Security Council: the use or even the mere threat of nuclear weapons is a clear violation of international law

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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