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UN Secretary General: Israel’s tactics in Gaza are wrong

In a statement, the Secretary General of the United Nations, while pointing to the high number of martyrs in Gaza, stated that the Zionist regime’s tactics in this region are completely wrong and must be stopped as soon as possible.

According to the report of Fars International News Agency, “Antonio Guterres”, the Secretary General of the United Nations, said that the number of Palestinian deaths in Gaza in the war between the Zionist regime and Hamas shows that something is wrong in The military operation of this regime is “clearly wrong”.

According to “Politico”, Guterres spoke during the “Reuters Next” conference and talked about the devastating war in Gaza. He said: When we look at the number of Palestinian civilians who have died in Israeli military operations, something is completely wrong.

Guterres’ statements It is said that according to the latest statistics provided by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, more than 10,000 people, including thousands of children, have been martyred in the brutal and retaliatory operation of the Zionist regime against Hamas, which is now entering its second month.

Guterres pointed out that seeing terrible pictures of the extreme humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people threatens the interests of the Zionist regime. He warned that this regime should know that this issue will not help its position in relation to the world public opinion.

According to the Associated Press, on Wednesday thousands of Palestinians from The densely populated areas of northern Gaza have fled, and in such a situation, the allies of the Zionist regime put pressure on this regime to consider civilians and agree to a ceasefire.

Until now More than 1.5 million Palestinians have been displaced and fled their homes in Gaza due to the brutal military operation of the Zionist regime last month. However, the Zionist regime does not consider any of these cases and constantly emphasizes that it will continue the war until the complete destruction of Hamas.

End Message


publisher Fars news agency
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