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Amir Abdollahian: The commonalities of Iran and Tajikistan can accelerate the development of relations between the two countries

Referring to the President’s visit to Tajikistan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country stated that the civilizational, linguistic, cultural and religious commonalities between Iran and Tajikistan can accelerate the development of relations between the two countries.

– International news – Hossein Referring to the President’s visit to Tajikistan and the signing of 18 cooperation documents between the two countries, Amir Abdullahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country, wrote on his personal page: During the President’s visit to Tajikistan, 18 bilateral cooperation documents were signed in the fields of trade, technology, art, transit and energy. The signature was received.

He also wrote: The need to immediately stop the Zionist crimes in Gaza was also emphasized.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized: Civilizational, linguistic, cultural and religious commonalities between Iran and Tajikistan can accelerate the development of relations between the two countries. On Wednesday afternoon, during his trip to Tajikistan, in the joint meeting of the high-ranking delegations of the two countries, he considered the numerous commonalities and long-standing historical, religious, cultural and civilizational records between Iran and Tajikistan as a suitable ground for expanding relations in all dimensions and said: In the past two years, the steps Good progress has been made to improve the level of political, economic and cultural cooperation between the two countries, but there is still a long way to reach the desired point. In the first step, the country considered up to the level of 500 million dollars to be completely possible and added: According to the various fields of cooperation in the oil, gas, water, technical and engineering services, and pharmaceuticals, achieving this goal is within reach.

The president listed the views of the two countries on world issues as having a lot in common and clarified: One of the most important issues today is the unprecedented cruelty and crimes against the oppressed and powerful Palestinian people in Gaza, which in this context As two Muslim countries, we are obliged to try to end this historical oppression.

In this meeting, Imam Ali Rahmon, the President of Tajikistan, also called for the comprehensive development of relations between the two countries. Especially in the field of mining, health, agriculture, the establishment of technological and industrial companies, hydropower plants, exploration and extraction of oil and gas, and cultural and science and technology cooperation are essential.

Chairman at the meeting of the delegation of Iran and Tajikistan: there are many commonalities between the parties to expand bilateral relations
Raisi: immediate stop of attacks on Gaza is the common desire of all people of the world

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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