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Developments in Ukraine Widespread use of women in the ranks of Ukrainian forces due to heavy casualties

Applying internal and external pressure on Zelensky to start peace talks, China’s opposition to providing arms to Ukraine, Zelensky’s concern from the point of view of the American Republicans, the end of Washington’s budget to help Kiev and the weakening of the morale of the Ukrainian people are some of the most important events surrounding the war.

– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, newspaper ” The New York Times wrote in an analysis this morning, Thursday, that the military authorities in Ukraine are trying to attract more women to the ranks of the Ukrainian armed forces, and this issue shows the heavy casualties among the military personnel of this country in the conflicts. /p>

This American newspaper reported: “Since the state of the battlefront depends on recruitment, efforts are being made to recruit more Ukrainian women into the military.” This issue is supported by volunteer groups that exclusively provide military training to women.”

The report states that the first signal that shows the sending of women to the army It is possible that the law passed on October 1st required all female doctors to register for military service. This newspaper mentioned that in the summer, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine even unveiled a uniform for female military forces. Recently, the Russian military forces also pointed to the fact that the number of women in The ranks of Ukrainian troops on the front line continue to increase. According to them, in some units the percentage of female forces reaches 20%.

The press office of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced in early summer that with the beginning of the massive Russian invasion, the number Women in the ranks of the armed forces of Ukraine reached about 30 thousand people, and now this number has increased again, and now more than 60 thousand women participate in the defense of Ukraine, of which 42 thousand are female military personnel.

The ministry noted that this number is constantly increasing as the military conflict continues, as a significant number of Ukrainian women have joined the ranks of the armed forces in response to the Russian invasion. .

According to this information, in this regard, changes are being made in the laws of Ukraine, which will allow women to fully find their place in the army. It is said that in this context, the model of the Israeli army has been used in enlisting women in the armed forces.


Putin went to Kazakhstan to negotiate with Tokayev

Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, visited the Republic of Kazakhstan this morning, Thursday, on an official visit.

Putin will hold talks with Kazakh President Kassem Jumart Tokayev at noon today. The perspective of bilateral cooperation and current international issues are on the agenda of the negotiations. After that, documents are to be signed in a limited and extensive format.

Zhang Jun, the Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations last night, at the Security Council meeting held at the initiative of Russia in connection with the large-scale attacks of the Ukrainian army on Donetsk, emphasized that the intensification of the attacks of the Ukrainian armed forces on the residential areas of the Donetsk region caused It has become a serious concern of the Beijing authorities.

This diplomat said: “Yesterday, a rocket attack was carried out on civilian infrastructure in the Donetsk region, which left dozens of casualties among civilians. Protecting civilians is a serious red line based on international humanitarian law. Civilian areas cannot be targeted.”

Ukraine’s armed forces fired on the center of Donetsk city on November 7 using American HIMARS multiple launch missile systems. Local authorities reported the death of 20 civilians and the wounding of at least 55 others.

Chinese diplomat: the continued flow of arms will exacerbate the crisis in Ukraine Geng Shuang, China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, also emphasized in the Security Council meeting that the continuous supply of military weapons for use on the frontline in Ukraine will only intensify the current crisis and will not help to solve it.

This Chinese diplomat said: “The endless flow of weapons to the battlefield will only deepen and prolong the crisis in Ukraine and plunge the lives of more innocent people into the abyss of destruction. We from all sides involved , especially the countries that have the most influence, we want them to play a really positive role, not to escalate the confrontation, prolong the war and escalate tensions.”

Nebenzia called the bombing of Donetsk a violation of international law The situation in Donetsk emphasized that the shelling of Donetsk city by Ukrainian forces in the past few days is a clear violation of international law. He said: We hold this emergency meeting in relation to We found another clear violation of international humanitarian law by the Kyiv authorities and new evidence of their deliberate actions to destroy civilians living in Donbass. We are talking about the massive shelling by the Ukrainian armed forces on the densely populated areas of Donetsk on November 7. About the targets of the attacks, including attacks against civilian targets and civilians, he recalled: most of the attacks were carried out with western long-range weapons, and the command of the Ukrainian army knew exactly where the attacks would be carried out. He called this action intentional and malicious crimes that have no limits and added: Kiev and its Western allies are responsible for these crimes. 500 civilian infrastructure facilities by Kiev

Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations at the Security Council meeting also noted that from 2022, Kiev will have more than 3,000 500 civilian infrastructure facilities were destroyed in the Donetsk region and more than 16,000 residential buildings were damaged as a result of the attacks of the Ukrainian armed forces.

He said: “In total Since February 2022, only the residential areas of the Donetsk People’s Republic have been subjected to artillery and missile attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces more than 25,000 times. 145 thousand bullets hit the soil of Donetsk and as a result of them more than 16 thousand residential buildings and approximately 3.5 thousand civilian infrastructure facilities were destroyed and damaged.”

This diplomat Moreover, as we know, the terror against Donbas civilians did not start on February 22, he added. Over the past eight years, since May 2014, Ukrainian authorities have continued armed aggression against their own people who did not accept the illegal Maidan coup in Kyiv. Nebenzia recalled: “Air power, heavy artillery and armored vehicles were used during military operations against civilians.” The total number of dead and injured residents of Donetsk region since 2014 has reached more than 20,000 people.

The US State Department: the West will not return frozen assets to Moscow until Russia pays for the attack on Ukraine

James O’Brien, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, announced last night that Western countries will freeze nearly $300 billion in Russian assets until Moscow pays for a military strike. has not paid to Ukraine, he will not pay it back.

This American diplomat said at the hearing of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “President Joe Biden and his colleagues in the Group of Seven They confirmed earlier that Russia should pay the price of its military attack on Ukraine. Almost $300 billion in frozen Russian assets will not be returned to Russia until they have actually paid for the war. Therefore, we have leverage in this discussion. style=”text-align:justify”>James O’Brien, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, said last night that Washington insists that a continuation of the conflict is necessary in the case of Ukraine.

At the hearing of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in response to Senator Rand Paul’s request to find a way to end the conflict, he said: “I am not in favor of this view either.” that military conflict is good. But I defend the point of view that in the current situation, military action is necessary.” It has already been sent to Congress by the White House. O’Brien added: “I believe that if we don’t support Ukraine now, we will be spending a lot more on defense in the future.”

A few days ago, White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre said that Washington is no longer able to support Ukraine at the previous level. According to him, the US government has exhausted the allocation of additional funds for aid to Ukraine and is forced to reduce military supplies.

White House: America 96 has spent the percentage of the budget allocated to support Ukraine

John Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications of the White House Security Council last night, Wednesday, announced The United States has spent 96 percent of the budget allocated for all areas of support to Ukraine, including arms, since the beginning of the Russian military offensive.

“As for the remaining money, I would say, of all the funding allocated to Ukraine since the war began – it’s not just military support, it’s economic aid,” Kirby said at a news conference. It’s financial and humanitarian — we’ve spent about 96 percent.” The White House official also noted that Washington has $1.1 billion left to replace. The weapons are considered in the US military warehouses.

The US Agency for International Development also has no more funds to support Kiev

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Adviser on European and Eurasian Affairs Erin McKay announced last night, Wednesday, at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the financial reserves The agency has finished helping Ukraine.

During his speech in Congress, McKay claimed that USAID has sent humanitarian aid to Ukraine and is helping to rebuild the country’s economy. According to him, since February 2022, the agency has allocated about 2 billion dollars for humanitarian aid to Kyiv. He reminded: Currently, there is no budget left to continue direct support. Without more allocations, the Ukrainian government will be forced to resort to emergency measures such as issuing money and not paying employees, which could lead to hyperinflation and seriously damage the military effort.

Hungary’s opposition to the start of negotiations for Ukraine’s accession to the European Union

Peter Szijarto, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Relations of Hungary Last night, he commented on the report of the European Commission regarding the need to start negotiations for Ukraine’s accession to the European Union and noted: Budapest believes that the European Union should not yet start negotiations with Ukraine to join this community.

Scijarto said in a video message: In this document it is admitted that Ukraine has not fully complied with the requirements of joining the European Union, but the European Commission has started negotiations with the leadership has recommended Kyiv to join the union.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary emphasized the correctness of the resolution of the European Commission, according to which Ukraine violated the conditions of membership in the European Union, including cases of obvious violations in respect of the rights of national minorities. has not complied He emphasized that freedom of expression is not respected in Ukraine and the media is not free and elections are not held; Based on this, in this situation, evaluating compliance with the principles of the rule of law in the law is meaningless and absurd.

Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy head of the Russian Security Council, expressed his opinion that if Ukraine and Moldova join the European Union, they will quickly “bleed and pus” and destroy the old Europe. According to him, this action will completely weaken the Union. Europe, the devaluing of the euro and other unpleasant problems will follow.

In this regard, Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov also said that it is important for the European Union to at least officially consider the process of negotiations to join the Union of Ukraine and Moldova. Start maintaining your credit. According to him, in this way, Brussels wants to show that it has a stable strategy towards Ukraine and also “maintain its credibility as a center of power.”

This senator He pointed out that the desire to bring Ukraine into the European Union will face serious opposition not only from Hungary, but also from countries that “have been silent on this matter so far”.

On Wednesday, the European Commission recommended the start of the negotiation process with Ukraine and Moldova. According to this commission, Ukraine has made progress in implementing the necessary changes to start accession negotiations with the European Union, although many conditions have not yet been met.

Previous The initial negotiations about Ukraine are expected due to increasing pressure on Zelensky

The American publication “Responsible Statecraft” wrote in an analysis that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will soon will be forced to negotiate with Russia. According to the author of this article, in addition to the pressures on Zelensky from within the political and military circle of Ukraine, there is also a lot of diplomatic pressure on him from international partners.

This analysis states: “Only a few months left. As the battlefield situation does not favor the Ukrainian side, despite Zelensky’s “firm belief in Ukraine’s ultimate victory over Russia,” pressure from within and without on Zelensky to turn to the diplomatic front and face the reality of the end of the war seems to be mounting. Is.”

Previously, in early November, NBC reported that the United States and Europe were negotiating with Ukraine to start peace talks with Russia. According to this report, the Western countries openly declare that Kyiv must compromise in order to conclude a peace treaty. It is recalled that Western countries insist that the negotiations begin before the end of the year.

Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted at a press conference last night, Wednesday, that the views of some representatives of the American Republican Party are dangerous for Kiev and can threaten Ukraine with serious consequences.

It will be difficult if the United States changes its position on helping Ukraine. If <...> Congress and the White House change their policy, I would inevitably say, OK, we will fight without you.”

President In this way, Ukraine answered a question about the possible election of Donald Trump to the position of the US president. Zelensky also expressed hope that the new head of the White House will continue to provide security and defense assistance to Kiev. will continue

Vladimir Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, last night in a conference organized by the Reuters news agency, emphasized that the country’s armed forces in This year and next year – 2024, they will continue to counterattack, despite the fact that the situation on the front line is difficult now.

We have a clear plan, cities, he said. And we have specific routes and goals, where we will go, which direction we will attack. Zelensky admitted that there were currently “many problems” in implementing the counteroffensive, although some counted on its quick success.

Zelensky attributed the military’s failure to this fact. He attributed that Kiev receives less weapons from the West than he expected. He added: We will try to show better results this year. We have a definite plan for next year, but I can’t share the details. /strong>

Washington Post newspaper (The Washington Post) wrote in an analysis on Wednesday that the failure on the battle front with Russia and the escalation of tension among political leaders and The military in Ukraine has caused public discord in Ukraine and demoralized the country’s civilian population.

This publication noted: “General fissures in the previously unshakable Ukrainian national unity are now beginning to emerge.” The lack of good news from the frontline has dampened the morale of civilians and heightened fears of renewed Russian attacks on energy infrastructure that could make life unbearable during the coldest months of the year. “text-align:justify”>The newspaper writes: “This situation has been aggravated by the recent statements of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zalogeny, about the deadlock in the battlefront situation, which caused disagreements in the upper echelons of power.” The issue of the impasse is very sensitive because Ukrainian officials worry that a perceived impasse means they will be pressured to negotiate with Russia to cede part of their territory.

According to the author of this article, General Zalogeny is very popular in Ukraine, and if this military official decides to start a political career, he could be a potential threat to the president of this country, Volodymyr Zelensky.

This publication emphasizes that, in addition, the source of negativity in Ukrainian society is the shift in international attention to the current conflict in the Middle East and the disagreements in the United States about the allocation of funds for continued aid to Kiev.

Mayor of Kyiv: Ukrainian authorities fail to finance the army

Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko, in connection with the approval of a bill in the Supreme Parliament of Ukraine on changing the personal income tax policy from the state budget to the local budget, said that the Ukrainian authorities have failed to finance the army, and that is why such a decision was made. .

او در کانال تلگرامی خود در این باره نوشت: «رادای عالی و دولت با برداشتن مالیات بر درآمد شخصی نظامی از شهرها و شهرک‌ها نشان می‌دهند که دولت مرکزی در تأمین مالی ارتش شکست خورده است. و اکنون آنها در تلاش هستند تا این مسئولیت را به ارگانهای محلی منتقل کنند. این در حالی است که همه شهرها در حال حاضر 40 درصد از مالیات بر درآمد شخصی جوامع خود را به بودجه دولتی پرداخت می کنند. و کی‌یف – 60 درصد می پردازد.»

به عقیده  این سیاستمدار، تصویب این پیش نویس قانون ضربه سختی به شهرهای کوچک وارد می کند، زیرا آنها بخش قابل توجهی از بودجه خود را از دست خواهند داد.

روز چهارشنبه مشخص شد که کمیته بودجه پارلمان اوکراین در قرائت دوم لایحه‌ای را تصویب کرد که مالیات بر درآمد شخصی را از درآمد نظامی از بودجه محلی به بودجه کشور هدایت می‌کند. نمایندگان پارلمان همچنین از لوایح پیشنهادی ولادیمیر زلنسکین در مورد تمدید حکومت نظامی در این کشور و بسیج عمومی تا 14 فوریه 2024 حمایت کردند.

اسپانیا آموزش نیروهای اوکراینی را برای استفاده از سامانه‌های موشکی هاواک را آغاز کرد

ستاد کل نیروهای دفاعی اسپانیا اعلام کرد که گروه جدیدی از پرسنل نظامی اوکراین، شامل دهها نفر، آموزش استفاده و نگهداری از سامانه‌های موشکی هاوک (HAWK) را در شهر دوس هرماناس در استان سویا آغاز کردند. این آموزش به عنوان بخشی از فعالیت ماموریت کمک نظامی اروپا به اوکراین انجام می شود.

تحولات اوکراین| بسته جدید کمک نظامی واشنگتن به کی‌یف/ کشته شدن 500 مزدور آمریکایی در اوکراین
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مجری معروف آمریکایی: اوکراین و بایدن دو اشتباه در تاریخ ایالات متحده هستند

تاکر کارلسون، کارشناسان سیاسی و مجری تلویزیون آمریکایی، روز چهارشنبه، اوکراین و جو بایدن، رئیس جمهور کنونی آمریکا را دو اشتباه اصلی این کشور در تاریخ مدرن خود نام برد.

او  در  گفتگو با روزنامه‌نگار گلن گرین‌والد گفت: «دو تراژدی تعیین‌ کننده نسل ما – یکی درگیری در اوکراین و دیگر ریاست جمهوری جو بایدن – است که در نهایت ناگزیر باید به پایان برسند.»

طرف گفتگوی کارلسون نیز به نوبه خود تأکید کرد که اوکراین هیچ شانسی برای پیروزی در درگیری با روسیه ندارد، زیرا نظامیان روسی حتی با در نظر گرفتن عرضه تسلیحات ناتو به کی‌یف، بهتر مسلح شده و بهتر می جنگند.

گفتگوی دبیران شورای امنیت روسیه و بلاروس درباره مقابله با تهدیدات اوکراین 

نیکولای پاتروشیف، دبیر شورای امنیت روسیه روز چهارشنبه با همتای بلاروسی خود الکساندر ولفوویچ دیدار کرد. در این نشست موضوعات تعمیق تعامل میان سرویس‌های اطلاعاتی، نیروی انتظامی و وزارت دفاع دو کشور مورد بحث و بررسی قرار گرفت. ضمن اینکه تهدیدات امنیت برای دو کشور، به خصوص از سوی اوکراین مورد توجه ویژه قرار گرفت. ولفوویچ در این نشست گفت که توافقنامه تضمین‌های امنیتی متقابل بین بلاروس و روسیه تقریبا آماده است و به زودی می تواند برای امضا به روسای جمهور دو کشور ارائه شود.

انتهای پیام/


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