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German pharmacies were closed in protest of economic conditions

Many pharmacies in northern Germany remained closed on Wednesday in protest against the poor economic situation, in what media reports said was just the beginning of regional protests across Germany in November.

– International News

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency quoting Newspaper “Passair Neue Presse”, protesting the bad economic situation, many pharmacies in northern Germany remained closed on Wednesday. At a central gathering in Hanover, pharmacists from Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania called for regular fee increases and reviews. This rally was the beginning of regional protests across Germany in November.

“Bernard Groenold”, head of the Lower Saxony State Association of Pharmacists, also said: “We have had a fee increase for 10 years. We haven’t, our expenses are running out. According to him, a little more than 3000 men and women participated in this rally in the center of Hanover. They have to pay a deficit to legal health insurance companies. As a result, pharmacy costs are nominally at the 2004 level and have increased, Grünwald said.

Grunwald said, among other things, the law proposed by German Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach. criticized. The Ministry of Health wants branches to not have to provide full emergency services, have a laboratory or prepare prescriptions in the future. “It’s supposed to make it easier for pharmacies, it’s supposed to give us more leeway when it comes to supplying people, but it’s going to lead to more bureaucracy,” he said.

In another part of his speech, he also complained about the problems of this sector by the cabinet ministers of the German federal government. There was no result. According to Grünwald, the number of pharmacies will decrease faster if Germany’s federal health minister takes action. Grunold said that his proposal to ease the conditions for new pharmacy branches will not work either, and no new pharmacy will be created in a place where a pharmacy has been destroyed, even under easier conditions.

“Andreas Filippi”, the Minister of Health of the state of Lower Saxony from the Social Democratic Party, also said that the death of pharmacies was an alarm for him in this rally: pharmacies are reaching their economic limits. Adjustment of the costs of pharmacies is urgently needed. This is the only way to continue to guarantee a good supply of medicine – which we still have despite delivery bottlenecks in Germany,” Filippi said. He also criticized fellow party Lauterbach’s plans for a “light pharmacy” initiative, saying: This situation does not improve the supply situation for the population.

The spokesperson of the Health Insurance Umbrella Association also said: the pharmacy receives three percent of the purchase price of the pharmacy in addition to the fee from the health insurance. receives, meaning the fee increases year after year. There are also other increases, such as documentation fees or emergency service fees.

According to the latest statistics from the Federal Association of Pharmacists Associations Germany (ever), the number of pharmacies in Germany continues to decline and at the end of October reached its lowest level since 1979 with 17,733 pharmacies. According to these statistics, 335 pharmacies were closed this year.

The Federal Union of German Pharmacists’ Association recently warned that the situation of pharmacies has worsened due to many problems, including the increase in drug delivery bottlenecks. And the shortage of personnel was reported.

In this way, the increasing shortage of personnel and increasing delivery bottlenecks are becoming a more acute problem for German pharmacies.

The Federal Association of German Pharmacist Associations (ABDA) has accused politicians and health insurance companies of crazy savings policies in the supply of drugs.

Due to the tense economic conditions in pharmacies, this association wants to increase the tuition and budget.

The issue of shortage of many vital drugs in Germany recently It has become the subject of many German media.

The bottlenecks in the supply of some medicines in this country cause many problems for people with health problems and some serious patients.

The dramatic increase in the number of homeless in Germany
UN criticism of the situation of children’s rights and Police violence in Germany

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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