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The signing meeting of the memorandum of economic and commercial cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan

The signing meeting of the memorandum of understanding on economic and commercial cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan was held in Tehran with the presence of the Minister of Jihad Agriculture, the President’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Affairs and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Economic Deputy of the Taliban Prime Minister.

– International News

According to foreign policy reporter Tasnim News Agency, on Thursday night, November 18, the signing meeting of the memorandum of understanding on economic and commercial cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan was attended by Mohammad Ali Nikbakht. Minister of Agricultural Jihad, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Special Representative of the President for Afghanistan Affairs, and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Economic Deputy of the Taliban Prime Minister, were held in Tehran.

Kazemi Qomi said at the beginning of this meeting: This week we will host We were a high-ranking economic delegation from the brother and friend country of Afghanistan. Most of the discussions that took place during these five days were mainly in the fields of economic cooperation. Today, after twenty years of resistance, this country has been liberated by the people of Afghanistan, but the remaining problems have arisen in various fields for the people of this country.

He continued: As two neighboring and Muslim countries, and considering that Afghanistan has the greatest impact on Iran’s environment, it is natural that economic cooperation will help stability and security and reduce the problems of Afghanistan. Iran’s policy has always been to help the people of Afghanistan.

The representative of the president added: We have reached good results in the talks and we will hold a joint commission on economic cooperation between the two countries in the next few days, and documents will be presented tonight regarding the priority issues.

In the end, he said: I wish that our region would be freed from problems as soon as possible from the hands of the aggressors. economic cooperation of the two countries, he said: upon the arrival of the delegation, we held a meeting of the joint commission for economic cooperation, and it was decided to form five committees under this commission, and documents were prepared in the past few days and are ready for signing. The two sides are willing to implement the documents after signing so that the benefit reaches the people of the two countries. . Iran has experiences in various fields of trade, industry, mining, agriculture, medicine, treatment, etc. that it can transfer to Afghanistan. The three provinces of Khorasan, Razavi, South and Sistan border Afghanistan and we have many border markets. We can increase the volume of border exchanges and facilitate things.



publisher Tasnim News Agency
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