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Irvani: If the conflicts in Gaza continue, there is a possibility of the war spreading

In an interview with CNN, the representative of Iran in the United Nations said that if the conflict in Gaza continues, there is a possibility of the war spreading.

According to the report of the international group of Fars news agency, the CNN website quoted Saeed Irwani, Iran’s representative in the United Nations, who wrote that Tehran did not play a direct role in the October 7 operation against Israel.

According to CNN, Irvani said that there is cooperation between Iran and the resistance forces, but Iran does not order any operation.

The Iranian diplomat said: “We have clearly said that Iran is not involved in any of the attacks against American forces in the region.”

According According to the CNN report, Irwani further added that the decision to attack US forces in Iraq and Syria is made by the groups themselves.

Iran’s representative in the United Nations also said about the Gaza war, “Iran has emphasized that we do not intend to expand this war front.”

He He further said that others should also play their role in this field. He further mentioned that if the conflicts in Gaza continue, the war may spread.

A few hours earlier, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian also said in a phone call with his Qatari counterpart: Due to the increase in the intensity of the war against the civilian residents of Gaza, the expansion of the scope of the war has now become inevitable. (more details).

Thirty-four days have passed since the beginning of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip. In these attacks, 10,569 people, including 4,237 children, 2,823 women and girls, and 631 elderly people were martyred. In addition, there have been reports of more than 3,000 missing and 26,000 injured Palestinian citizens.

The United States and the West have supported these attacks by the Israeli regime. Although many United Nations aid and health organizations have warned about the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, the United States and Western countries, with their full support for the crimes of the Zionist regime, claim that a ceasefire in Gaza will only benefit Hamas.

G7 foreign ministers, including US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, said in a statement on Wednesday that they support a humanitarian pause in the conflict in Gaza, but refused to call for a ceasefire.

So far, more than 1.5 million Palestinians have been displaced by the military operations and the Zionist regime in the last month and have fled their homes in Gaza.

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publisher Fars news agency
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