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Damages and casualties of the Zionist regime after the Al-Aqsa storm

This report has collected information related to the number of human casualties of the Zionist regime as well as the socio-economic damages caused to this regime after the Al-Aqsa storm.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the Zionist regime has suffered huge casualties and damages since the “Al-Aqsa Storm” operation on October 7, which has been 35 days, but it has tried to maintain ambiguity and provide information drip by drop. prevent the publication of facts in the media.

This report has collected information related to the number of human casualties of the Zionist regime as well as the socio-economic damages caused to this regime after the Al-Aqsa storm.

According to the information available so far, the number of those who were killed in the Al-Aqsa storm operation is 1405, of which 315 were soldiers. 10 of the dead are Shabak officers and 58 others are police officers. About 70 of those killed or missing are Arab-Israeli citizens, many of whom are Negev Bedouins. Also, according to statistics, the number of Israeli prisoners in the hands of Hamas is 239. 4 of whom have been released. Fars News Agency has also obtained detailed statistics about the place where these people were killed, which is as follows:

♦️  Statistics of the dead on the first day (October 7)

  • More than 270 people at the music festival
  • More than 117 people in Kibbutz Beri
  • More than 100 people in Kfar Azah
  • More than 100 civilians in Nahal Oz
  • More than 35 people in Zikim Beach
  • More than 25 people in Nir Oz
  • More than 14 people in Kisofim
  • More than 13 people in Howlit
  • >

  • 9 people at a bus stop in Sderot
  • 4 people in Kossifa
  • 400 people in Ashkelon (wounded and killed)
  • 280 people in Beer Shawa (wounded and killed)

♦️ Killed and captured by nationality

The people who were killed or captured in the Al-Aqsa storm operation are from different nationalities, which are listed below

  • 32 Americans killed and 13 missing
  • 33 Thais killed, 17 captured and 14 missing
  • 35 French killed and 9 missing
  • 19 Russians killed, 2 captured and 7 missing
  • 19 Ukrainians killed and 8 missing
  • 10 killed from Nepal, 17 captured and 1 Missing
  • 9 Argentines dead and 20 missing
  • 9 people from Portugal dead and 3 missing
  • 7 dead from Ethiopia
  • 6 Canadians dead and 2 missing
  • 6 British killed and 10 missing
  • 5 Romanian killed, 1 captured and 2 missing
  • 4 Austrians killed and 1 missing
  • 4 dead and 1 captured from Chile
  • 4 dead and 2 missing from China
  • 4 dead and 2 missing from the Philippines
  • 3 dead and 1 missing From Belarus
  • 3 dead from Brazil, Lebanon and Turkey
  • 2 dead from Colombia, South Africa and Syria
  • 2 dead and 2 missing from Paraguay
  • >

  • 2 dead and 5 prisoners from Peru
  • 1 dead from Australia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Honduras, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Switzerland and Cambodia
  • 1 dead and 5 captured From Germany
  • 1 killed and 2 missing from Italy
  • 1 killed and 1 captured from Spain
  • 1 killed, 2 captured and 2 missing from Sri Lanka
  • >

  • 1 captive from Denmark and Serbia
  • 2 captive from Mexico
  • 2 missing from Tanzania

♦️ economic and social damages

In addition Therefore, the Al-Aqsa storm operation and the attacks of the Zionist regime after that caused a lot of damage to the Zionist regime in the economic and social sectors, and as the Financial Times reported a while ago, it caused the economy of this regime to enter a deep crisis. In this section, we will examine these damages.

  • The estimates of the Israelis themselves for economic growth in the next year have decreased from 2.7% to 0.6%; But the international rating agency “Standard & Poor’s” also lowered the forecast of Israel’s economic growth in 2023 from 1.5 percent in 2023 to 0.5 percent next year.
  • By October 24, it was announced that a plan worth 1.2 billion dollars was presented to cover the costs of the war, but this amount will increase.
  • In the first week of the war, the stock index of the Zionist regime fell by 8%. 42 airlines suspended their flights to occupied Palestine and the regime faced a severe shortage of consumer goods. The closure of the port of Ashkelon and its affiliated companies and the cessation of oil production from the Tamar gas field were among other economic blows to the Israeli regime. It has been faced due to the departure of Thai and East Asian workers and the expulsion of Palestinian workers from the West Bank.
  • Reports also indicate that 1,200 property damage warnings have been received by the Zionist Tax Administration. and it is said that the cost of rebuilding 30 settlements around the Gaza Strip will be 2.5 billion dollars.
  • The evaluations of the investment company, Mitav, show that if the war lasts for 60 days, the cost Directly, it will be 6.25 billion dollars, this only includes reserve personnel and weapons. This cost may reach 70 billion shekels (18 billion dollars), which is equivalent to 3.5% of the gross domestic product of the Zionist regime. Damages have 4 main axes: the direct cost of paying war, compensations, assistance to families and business centers and the lack of government revenues due to damage to commercial activities. 2023, Israel’s budget deficit will reach 3 or 4 percent of GDP. This amount was 1.5% on average before the war.
  • Also, the war will reduce tax revenues and reduce the GDP by 7.75 billion dollars, and the regime Due to the decrease in GDP, the Zionist will have to withdraw an amount of about 12.5 billion dollars (of course until the end of 2023), from the Israeli and global financial funds.
  • $4.25 billion will be the amount of compensation to the affected families. [According to Al Jazeera, the cost of property damage is about 5 billion shekels, which is 1.4 billion dollars, which is paid from the property tax fund. Currently, the assets of this fund are 4.5 billion dollars.]
  • According to the report of “Gad Lior” in Yediot Ahronot newspaper, the 2023 budget will be fundamentally changed in such a way that The Ministry of Finance will request 128.5 billion dollars. This will be accompanied by a reduction of the budget deficit to 0.4% in 2024, which is 4 times the deficit of 2023. Based on this, the budget deficit will reach 20 billion dollars in the next year, and its source will be domestic and foreign loans through the issuance of credit documents.

♦️ Damage to buildings, bases and equipment

  • A missile hit a building in Tel Aviv/18 Mehr
  • A missile hit a building in the south of Tel Aviv/25 Mehr
  • A missile hit a A building and a car in Netivot/November 2
  • A rocket hit a building in Rishon Letzion/November 3
  • A building in Tel Aviv was bombed and 3 Israelis were injured/November 5
  • >

  • Direct hits to buildings in “Rishon Letzion”, “Be’er” Yaakov” and “Rahvot” / November 5
  • Direct hits to a building in Kiryat Shmona / November 7
  • Direct attack on a building in Beersheba/November 7
  • Al-Qassam rocket hit a building and a factory in Ashkelon/November 8
  • Missile hit a building in Netivot/November 8
  • Damage to the assets of the Zionist regime army in the area of ​​Ovim and Maggio/5 November
  • Hit by an anti-aircraft missile Tank to tank in Oviim region/November 3rd
  • An anti-tank missile hit a tank and an engineering vehicle in Kisov region/Mehr 30
  • An anti-tank missile hit the Barm area and injured At least 3 soldiers killed / 30 Mehr
  • Shooting with light weapons at the observation base on the border of Lebanon / 28 Mehr
  • Missile attack on Zikim base

end of message/



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