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The fifth meeting of the Security Council about Gaza in the shadow of the failure of the previous 4 meetings

The United Nations Security Council will hold a meeting on the Palestinian issue on Friday, while the failure of this council to pass even a single resolution on the Gaza war has led to many criticisms regarding its inefficiency.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the United Nations Secretary General’s office announced that the Security Council will hold a meeting on Middle East issues with the Palestinian axis this Friday.

According to TASS news agency, this meeting will be held at 3 o’clock today, Friday, November 10 local time.

This meeting will be held while the Security Council approved 4 The proposed resolution about the Zionist regime’s war against Gaza failed, and therefore it suffered a lot of criticism about the ineffectiveness of this council. Tass says that currently ten non-permanent members of the Security Council are The drafting of the document is specific to the non-permanent members, which includes some of the provisions of the previous drafts.

Earlier, following the Israeli attacks on a hospital in Gaza, China called for a meeting of the Security Council.

Earlier, Wang Wenbin, the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, in response to the Zionist crime in the Jabalia camp, which resulted in more than 100 martyrs and 300 wounded, said that Beijing was responsible for the large number of civilian casualties due to It is shocked by the air attack on the Gaza refugee camp and strongly condemns such an attack.

Last October 17, representatives of the United States, England and France in the UN Security Council vetoed the Russian resolution to require the Israeli interim regime to stop attacks on the Gaza Strip. .

On October 25, China and Russia also vetoed the resolution proposed by the United States in the Organization Security Council, which condemned the operation of Hamas on October 7.

Since the beginning of this month, China has assumed the presidency of the United Nations Security Council.

In a statement about Beijing’s rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said: Beijing He will do his best to restore peace in Palestine.

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publisher Fars news agency
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