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Ansarullah: We targeted important positions of the Zionist regime with ballistic missiles

The spokesman of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement announced a missile attack on important positions of the Zionist regime in the south of the occupied Palestinian territories.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, Brigadier General “Yahi Sarei” said that today, Thursday, some important positions of the Zionist regime in the south of the occupied Palestinian territories were targeted with ballistic missiles.

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Sari said that some military targets of the Zionist regime were also targeted in Eilat, located in the south of the occupied Palestinian territories.
According to the report of “Al-Masira” website, Saree said that this operation was successfully carried out with the help of Almighty God and directly hit the intended targets, despite the fact that the Zionist regime is trying to censor its news.

The spokesman of Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement also emphasized that our forces will continue to carry out military operations to help the oppressed Palestinian nation until the Zionist regime’s aggression is completely stopped.

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publisher Fars news agency
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