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High Commissioner for Human Rights: Gaza is the biggest humanitarian disaster in modern history

The head of the Middle East department of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights called the current disaster in Gaza the biggest humanitarian disaster in modern history and emphasized that we want a permanent ceasefire, not a humanitarian break.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the head of the Middle East department of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said in response to the agreement between the United States and the Zionist regime for humanitarian breaks in the Gaza war: We demand an end to the Gaza war, not a stop. humanitarian.

According to the Al Jazeera network report, the countries of the international community should put pressure on Israel to accept the ceasefire.

He continued to emphasize Kurds, we have not seen such a human disaster in modern history.

Before this, a UN special rapporteur cited the order of the Zionist authorities to the residents of Gaza to evacuate the northern areas and move them to the south. It was called an international crime..

Balakrishnan Rajagopal, the UN special rapporteur on housing affairs, noted that the order of the Zionist regime to evacuate more than one million people from the north of the Gaza Strip to the southern areas without Providing adequate housing and shelter and humanitarian aid is a blatant violation of fundamental international norms and humanitarian rights. He further emphasized that these actions of Israel are an international crime. class=”rtejustify”>Humanitarian pause and not ceasefire is the term used by America and the Zionist regime to stop for a few hours and send humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza; An action which, according to political observers, will not help to improve the condition of civilians and hospitals in Gaza. A “humanitarian ceasefire” has been agreed to in Gaza after pressure from Washington.

Biden acknowledged that it was a “step in the right direction” and would help civilians flee the war. and more aid should be sent to the affected areas.

This claim is made while Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, emphasized: “There will be no ceasefire in Gaza without the release of Israeli prisoners.”

“John Kirby”, the spokesman of the National Security Council of the White House, had acknowledged: Israel has agreed to implement a daily 4-hour pause in the war in northern Gaza; These interruptions will be announced 3 hours before the start.

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publisher Fars news agency
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