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Bashar Assad left for Saudi Arabia

News sources reported today that the President of Syria left for Saudi Arabia to attend the emergency meeting of Arab heads of state regarding Gaza.

– International news –

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Bashar Assad, the president of Syria, this Friday to participate in The emergency meeting of the heads of the Arab countries left for Saudi Arabia. According to published reports, the emergency meeting of the heads of the Arab countries is supposed to discuss the critical situation in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s regime for thirty-five days continues its airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. Since this morning, this regime has started bombing around Al-Shifa, Al-Nasr and Al-Rentisi hospitals located in the north of the Gaza Strip, as a result of which several people who took refuge in these medical centers were injured due to the fear of airstrikes. The announcement of the head of al-Shifa hospital that 6 people have been martyred in the attacks around this hospital this morning.

Despite Biden’s claim that the attacks in the Gaza Strip have stopped temporarily, the prime minister of the Israeli regime rejected these statements in a way and He said that there will be no stop until the Zionist prisoners are released.

The spokesman of the Gaza Ministry of Health also announced that the Israeli occupying regime seeks to shut down all the hospitals in Gaza.


The Ministry of Health of Palestine also announced the increase in the number of martyrs of the continuous aggression of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip to 10,812 people, most of whom are children and women.

This ministry added that 195 people from the forces Aid workers and medical personnel have been martyred so far. The World Health Organization and the Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) also announced that since the beginning of Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip (October 15), more than 100 UNRWA employees died.

Regime Army Zionist claims to attack targets in Syria To Syria and why the silence of Damascus/field report

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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