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Yediot Aharonot’s report on Tel Aviv’s military casualties in Gaza

Despite the efforts of the Zionist regime to hide the true number of its military casualties in Gaza, the Hebrew newspaper Yediot Aharonot wrote in a report: In these two weeks, 250 Israeli soldiers have been injured, 100 of them are reported to be in critical condition.

According to the report of the international group of Fars News Agency, the Hebrew newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” announced today, Friday, November 10, that since the beginning of the ground operation of the Zionist regime army in the north of the Gaza Strip two weeks ago So far, more than 250 Israeli soldiers have been injured.

According to the report of “Al Jazeera” website, and while the Zionist army is trying to reduce its military casualties in Gaza to reduce, this Hebrew newspaper wrote: 100 of these injured people are reported to be seriously injured. Soldiers were targeted directly or by shrapnel and anti-armor missiles during the conflict with the Palestinian forces. He announced during last night’s clashes in the north of the Gaza Strip and announced the number of Israeli soldiers killed in the Gaza Strip after the start of the military operation as 38.

This In the continuation of its report today, the Zionist newspaper wrote: Since the beginning of the war with Hamas, about 10,000 missiles, shots and dozens of drones have been sent to Israel from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.

The final part of this report states: Estimates show that the Israeli army will lose about 400 more soldiers if it expands and continues its ground operations in Gaza.



publisher Fars news agency
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