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United Nations: The current situation in Gaza is unstable

Volker Türk, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, said today: “The current situation in Gaza is unstable and the suffering of civilians must be reduced.”

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, Volker Turk, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights today (Friday) described the situation in the Gaza Strip as unstable due to the criminal attacks of the Zionist interim regime.

Turk said in a statement: “The current situation in Gaza is unstable and the suffering of civilians must be reduced. Peace must be established for all Palestinians and Israelis alike.”

According to the Sputnik news agency, he further stated: “Stop the violence, protect the safety of UN aid workers. Guarantee and ensure that the aid reaches those who need it.” Take measures to stop the killing, violence and humiliation of Palestinians in the West Bank by the [Zionist] settlers.

According to this report, Turk added: In the West Bank, they prevent their products. A thousand Palestinians in the West Bank were forced to evacuate their homes due to the attack of the settlers”.

Earlier, the Minister of International Cooperation of Belgium, Caroline Geniz, demanded an investigation from the Zionist regime for committing crimes. There was a war against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. (more details)

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