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Al-Qassam missile attack on Tel Aviv

Ezzeddin al-Qassam battalions responded to the crimes of the Zionist regime army against the Palestinian people and bombardment of medical centers in the Gaza Strip with missile attacks on occupied Tel Aviv.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the Ezzeddin al-Qassam Brigades targeted occupied Tel Aviv today, Friday, November 10, in response to the killing of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Al Jazeera website, Al-Qassam attacks caused alarm bells to be sounded in Tel Aviv, the center of the occupied territories, and the nearby town of Ashdod.

The Zionist media, while claiming that “several missiles were intercepted in the sky of Tel Aviv”, announced: “Flakhan Dawood” systems have been activated to intercept the fired missiles.

With the resistance factions continuing to attack the occupied settlements, the Hebrew media announced the activation of the missile attack warning siren in most of the central areas of occupied Palestine, including Ghoshdan and Ashdod.

Today, on the thirty-fifth day of the Zionist army’s attacks on the Gaza Strip, several hospitals, including “Al-Shifa”, “Al-Rentisi”, “Al-Nasr” and “Al-Ayoun” were bombed by the fighters of this regime; The occupiers respond to the military strikes of the resistance factions in the field with the aim of hitting medical centers and martyring civilians. An hour ago, Palestine targeted the military gathering of the occupying regime near Al-Asi facilities with guided missiles and the missiles hit the target directly. They have been involved with the occupying forces in the suburbs of Tel El-Havi, located in the west of Gaza City, and they announced today that they targeted the “Raim” military base with a missile. They stated that an armored tank belonging to one of the Israeli commanders was destroyed in the northwest axis of Gaza City by the “Yasin 105” RPG rocket by the Palestinian fighters.

” Saraya Al-Quds, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, has targeted the Zionist settlement of Nirim and the base of Al-Ain al-Thiraha with their rocket attacks. As a result of these rocket attacks, alarm bells sounded several times in Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip.

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publisher Fars news agency
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