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Hezbollah’s heavy blows to the Israeli army today/Hebrew media: Today we witnessed a real war in the north

Hizballah’s crushing blows against the Zionist regime’s army today were such that the Hebrew media used the term “real war” against the occupation.

– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the Lebanese Hezbollah movement announced in a statement that the fighters The Islamic resistance targeted a unit of the Zahivinist army in Shtola with guided missiles and caused casualties.

Lebanon Hezbollah’s retaliatory operations against the Israeli army
Maqam of Islamic Jihad: Iran and Hezbollah have always stood by the decisions of the Palestinian resistance in every battle

This statement added that the fighters of the Islamic resistance, two military gatherings of the occupation regime in Hadab Al-Bastan and Barakah Root and Harsh al-Dahira were targeted with rockets.

This statement states that the targeting of the enemy’s gatherings was done in line with the support of the resistant Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and its brave and honorable resistance.

This statement also informs about targeting the military position of the Zionist regime and casualties to the occupiers.

Lebanon resistance drone attack on Israeli military positions

Islamic Resistance of Lebanon’s Hezbollah announced in another statement: With three attack drones, we attacked the Yitfah Qaddish barracks and the gatherings of Zionist soldiers in the east of the Zionist settlement of Hatsudat Yoshua and inflicted casualties on the enemy.

The media of the Zionist regime referring to Hezbollah’s crushing blows to the positions and bases of the occupying army: What happened today in the northern borders (occupied Palestine) with Lebanon is a real war.

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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