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Disclosure of preventing the inclusion of “practical action” against Israel in the statement of the Arab summit in Riyadh

Informed sources emphasized that following the opposition of some Arab countries, any reference to “practical action” to stop Israel’s aggression against Hamas was removed from the final statement of the Arab League summit.

– International news

According to Webangah News quoted by Tasnim News agency, citing Middle East News, knowledgeable sources said And yesterday’s preparatory meeting of the foreign ministers of the Arab countries to draft the final statement of the extraordinary meeting of the Arab leaders revealed details of the strong differences between the member states about this statement.

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According to this report, some Arab countries included articles that required the members to take certain actions in order to show the power of the members of this union to put pressure on the Israeli regime in order to stop its crimes. were in the Gaza Strip, but their efforts were unsuccessful due to the opposition of some other members (compromising authorities) and thus the approved statement will be devoid of any action. Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League, in the end Yesterday’s meeting of the foreign ministers of the Arab countries said that in this meeting, the final version of the draft resolution that will be presented to the summit of the Arab countries tomorrow (Saturday, November 11) was approved.

On the other hand, According to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed report, the proposals made in this meeting were rejected despite the written request of several countries such as Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Libya, Yemen, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and self-governing organizations.

The proposals include ideas such as banning the use of American military bases and other military bases in Arab countries in order to supply weapons and ammunition to the Israeli regime, suspending diplomatic, economic, security and military relations of Arab countries with the occupiers, threatening to use Oil and the economic power of the Arab countries in the pressure to stop the aggression of the Israeli regime, to prevent the flight of Israeli civilian planes in the airspace of the Arab countries and to form an Arab committee at the level of ministers to immediately travel to New York, Washington, Brussels, Geneva, London and Paris and Transfer the request of the Arab leaders to stop the Zionist invasion of Gaza to the leaders and authorities of the Western countries. According to these sources, 4 Arab countries have opposed these proposals and the Palestinian Authority has also remained silent. /p>

Apart from this, these sources have emphasized that Iraq, Algeria and Tunisia strongly protested against some articles condemning the killing of civilians in Palestine and Israel, and their protest was so high that the meeting was suspended for 2 hours.

These sources added that Iraq has declared and emphasized its opposition to the interpretation of “condemning the killing of civilians” regarding Hamas operations and the words “two-state solution” and “establishing normal relations” in writing. that these articles are against the internal laws of Iraq. Algeria and Tunisia have also expressed their opposition to condemning the killing of civilians by Hamas. Saturday, November 11) will be hosted by Riyadh.
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