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The direct war of the occupiers with the hospitals/the largest medical complex in Gaza has stopped

Referring to the terrible condition of the hospitals as a result of the continuous and brutal attacks of the Zionist enemy and the depletion of water, food and medicine supplies, the Gaza Ministry of Health announced that Al-Shifa Medical Complex, which is the largest medical institution in Gaza and provided the most services to the people, was shut down.

– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, while the occupying regime is waging an open war against the hospitals of Bar Gaza launched and without paying attention to any warning and pressure from international organizations is still bombarding hospitals in a crazy and brutal manner, “Mohammed Abu Salima”, the director of al-Shifa Hospital, which is the largest medical complex in Gaza, announced that the medical teams in Gaza are only a few hours away from death. (they are always at risk of death) and this is while the world is watching our death.

He said in an interview with Al Jazeera, the bodies of the martyrs are piled up and we are trying to put them inside Bury the hospital. We have no water, no food, no electricity, no internet, and we are completely isolated from the world.

The manager of al-Shifa hospital emphasized that the occupying regime is at war with the hospitals in Gaza and wants to disable the entire healthcare system in Gaza.

Meanwhile, the spokesman of the Gaza Ministry of Health announced that al-Shifa Hospital was completely shut down. which plays an essential role in providing services to the people and often surgeries are performed for the injured in this hospital. The occupying regime has been continuously bombarding Gaza hospitals, including al-Shifa hospital, for the past few days, which has caused serious damage to the hospitals. that the direct bombardment of al-Shifa hospital has been going on for 3 days and the families of the martyrs cannot bury their children. We have no choice but to resist and stand and we take care of the sick and injured with every possible hand tool. Khalil al-Daghran, the spokesman of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, also announced that a large number of injured people have been transferred to this hospital. Due to lack of medicine and equipment, we are not able to handle them.

He added, ambulance drivers are also detained by the occupiers despite coordination with the Red Cross.

UN Human Rights Commissioner: Israeli attacks on hospitals must stop
Half of the hospitals in Gaza are out of order/Massacre of the wounded and the pathetic condition of the medical teams
Warning about human catastrophe in the Gaza Strip/ brutal attack by the Zionist regime on three hospitals

Spokesman The Gaza Ministry of Health announced from Al-Shifa Hospital that we do not have any medicine and the electricity generators have completely stopped working. The surgery department of this hospital has been bombed and we are witnessing continuous bombing of the hospital premises. We don’t even have water and food anymore.

The World Health Organization also announced today that the health system in Gaza has been completely destroyed and half of the 36 hospitals in Gaza are out of order. The corridors of the hospitals are full of wounded, displaced and dying patients, and we are witnessing difficult surgeries without anesthesia and accumulation of corpses. Hour after the fuel ran out, he warned and announced that the occupying regime is directly and deliberately targeting the medical staff and ambulances. The Zionist regime also prevents the entry of volunteer doctors and nurses from different countries into Gaza, and for this reason, the medical staff members in Gaza have to work around the clock and far beyond their capacity.

He added that the occupiers of all hospitals They are targeting Gaza, and the most recent one was Al-Nasr Children’s Hospital, Psychiatric Hospital, Indonesia Hospital, and Al-Quds Hospital. 6 public hospitals and more than 10 private hospitals in the Gaza Strip are completely out of order. In addition to fuel, there is a big problem in providing medicine, water and food, especially in the north of Gaza, and it can be said that these basic services have become rare in the north of Gaza, and neither the patients nor the medical staff can find even bread and water.

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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