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A gathering of immigrants living in Qom in support of the oppressed people of Gaza

Afghan immigrants living in Qom called for support for the oppressed people of Gaza while condemning the crimes of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip as well as the recent explosions in the west of Kabul.

– International news

According to the regional office of Tasnim News Agency, Afghan immigrants In Qom, by attending the Qur’an and Atrat mosque, they asked all the Muslims of the world to stand up in support of the oppressed people of Palestine. They also condemned the Zionist regime in Gaza and the terrorist attacks in Kabul.

Abd al-Qayyum Sajjadi, the speaker of this gathering, stated that now the Islamic civilization is the claimant of the new world order against the Western civilization. and the arrogant and domineering have come to fight against Islam with the tactic of Zionism. /”/>

According to Ava’s report, referring to the crimes The Israeli regime in Gaza pointed out that these crimes are a full-scale battle between right and wrong, and Muslims all over the world must condemn the crimes of the Zionist regime.

The people of Gaza also participated in this meeting and explained the difficult conditions of the residents of this region and emphasized that all Muslims should stand up in support of the oppressed and oppressed people of Palestine.

end of message /.


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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