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Drone attack on Eilat in southern occupied Palestine/A new resistance group claimed responsibility for the attack

Sunday morning news sources reported a drone attack on Eilat in the south of occupied Palestine.

– International news –

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Al-Mayadin network quoted its sources of the massive explosions. reported in Umm al-Rashash located in the occupied city of Eilat in the south of occupied Palestine. According to these sources, two drones targeted Eilat in the south of occupied Palestine. Meanwhile, a resistance group named “Swat Al-Jazeera Al-Arabiya” has taken responsibility for this attack.

News sources announced that this time, occupied Eilat was targeted from the Iraqi side. .

On the other hand, alarm bells have sounded in Erez, Sderot and Niram around Gaza.

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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