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The aggressive attack of the Zionists on the south of Lebanon

The Israeli army announced on Sunday morning that it has targeted the positions of the Islamic resistance movement in southern Lebanon.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the army of the Provisional Zionist regime announced on Sunday morning that it has targeted the positions of the Islamic resistance movement in southern Lebanon.

In this statement, it is claimed that areas in the south of Lebanon were targeted from which anti-tank and guided missiles were fired towards the Zionist facilities in the north of occupied Palestine.

It was Saturday evening that the movement Hezbollah announced the martyrdom of another of its forces on the way to Quds and in the battle with the Zionists.

On Saturday, the Islamic resistance of Lebanon targeted a number of positions of the Zionist regime army in the vicinity of the border lines of Lebanon. which caused confusion to the identification systems of the Zionist regime’s army.

On the other hand, the Zionist media are still analyzing the speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Seyed Hassan Nasrallah two weeks ago and they emphasize that he is still He has not used all his cards and the missile capability of the Lebanese resistance is beyond Tel Aviv’s imagination. (More details)

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publisher Fars news agency
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