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Ayatollah Al-Mousavi: The people of Western countries challenged their governments regarding the Gaza war

Ayatollah Seyyed Yassin Al-Mousavi, one of the prominent Iraqi scholars, pointed to the demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people in various Western countries against the ongoing crimes of the Zionist regime and in defense of the oppressed people of Gaza.

– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, Ayatollah Seyyed Yassin Al-Mousavi, one of the prominent scholars, pointed out He said to the all-round support of the Western countries to the Zionist regime: their withdrawal is not due to humanitarianism, but was done under the pressure of the people of these countries who want to stop the war against Gaza.

Ayatollah Al-Mousavi: The hatred of all nations of the world for Israel/America has come to the aid of the Zionists with all their might

He added: Despite the issuance of laws to punish those who raise the Palestinian flag and support the Palestinian cause, the people of these countries participated in demonstrations of tens of thousands of people and challenged their governments, and this is considered unnatural. The popular demonstrations caused the big powers to once again raise the issue of a two-state solution. Referring to the holding of the summit of heads of Islamic countries in Riyadh, al-Mousavi said: “Although we consider it a step forward. but we believe that it puts the responsibility on the Arab and Islamic nations and they should know that they must act to defend the Palestinian people.
They refuse to cooperate with the Zionist regime, he said: The Palestinian nation only relies on the countries of the axis of resistance, which extends from Iran to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Palestine. The fact that the Palestinian people are still fighting and confronting the Zionist regime with homemade weapons, and despite this, the enemy has not been able to achieve anything in Gaza, he said: The Zionist regime in this war is seeking to end the The issue is Palestine, and this is what Netanyahu and his ministers said, but with God’s help, the Palestinian people will win in the end.

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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