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Qatari and American Foreign Ministers held talks about Gaza

In a telephone conversation with his American counterpart, the Foreign Minister of Qatar emphasized that the continuation of the bombing of Gaza will lead to the aggravation of the humanitarian disaster.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken had a telephone conversation with Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad bin Abdulrahman Al Thani about Gaza on Saturday.
The attacks of the Zionist regime against the defenseless people of Gaza, which started a month ago, have so far killed 11 thousand 78 people and injured 27 thousand 490 people. Among these martyrs, 4,506 are children, 3,27 are women, and 678 are elderly.
Qatar’s Foreign Ministry announced that Al-Thani spoke to Blinken on the need to intensify regional and international efforts. He emphasized to establish a ceasefire and permanently reopen the Rafah crossing.
According to the report of Al Jazeera network, Al-Thani also emphasized the continuation of Qatar’s efforts to mediate for the release of captives.
Qatar’s foreign minister said that the continued bombing of Gaza will aggravate the humanitarian disaster in the region and complicate mediation efforts.
On the other hand, Channel 13 of the Zionist regime reported that advanced negotiations between Hamas and this regime regarding the agreement to exchange prisoners in large numbers with the exception of the Zionist military are underway.
This report states: “According to In this agreement, the Zionist regime will release Palestinian prisoners and agree to the entry of fuel into Gaza.

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publisher Fars news agency
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