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The human tragedy that the Zionists have unleashed in Gaza hospitals; The massacre of babies to the assassination of doctors

Difficult surgeries without anesthesia in hospital yards with phone light, complete cut off of water, electricity and food, piled up of corpses, continuous deaths of babies and children and even doctors are the scenes that Gaza is witnessing these days in the shadow of the brutality of the Zionist occupation.

– International News

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency, in a situation where the Zionist occupation regime is fighting its direct war with hospitals Gaza has escalated, the bombing of these hospitals continues and the occupiers are focused on destroying Al-Shifa Hospital as the largest medical complex in Gaza that provided the most services to the sick and injured. The spokesman of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced yesterday that this hospital is completely out of order.

The real disaster that the occupiers have unleashed in Gaza hospitals

He added, we have sounded the alarm to the International Committee of the Red Cross about the catastrophic situation in the hospitals, but we have not received any response.

Dr. Ahmad Abu Nadi, the head of the surgery department of Al-Shifa Hospital, also announced that this hospital is no longer able to provide services and the situation is catastrophic. There is no electricity or water in the hospital and the medical teams sometimes have to leave some patients to their fate and cannot do anything for them. Currently, 600 patients and dozens of children in this hospital are at risk of death due to the continued interruption of water and electricity. Dr. Mounir Albarsh, director general of the Gaza Ministry of Health, referring to the complete shutdown of al-Shifa hospital. announced that one of the newborns died in this hospital. The occupying regime has launched a new holocaust in Gaza by targeting al-Shifa hospital.

All hospitals in northern Gaza are out of order

“Ashraf al-Qadra” the spokesman In describing the disastrous situation of this hospital, the Gaza Ministry of Health said that at the entrance of al-Shifa hospital, which has become an open field for Israelis, the wounded and martyrs are lying on the ground and we are under bombardment from all sides. The hospital is completely out of order and we are trying to help the patients and the injured with basic methods and without equipment. He emphasized that all the hospitals in northern Gaza are out of order and only Al-Mu’amdani hospital has very few services and The limited form is active.

While al-Shifa Hospital’s communication with the outside world has also been cut off, Youssef Abu Al-Rish, the deputy of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, announced the last message that may be heard from this hospital and said that all the means of life in al-Shifa hospital have been exhausted and death has cast a shadow over all the wounded and children. They don’t have a better place than al-Shifa Hospital, and the Palestinian Red Crescent reported that Israeli tanks are currently 20 meters away from Quds Hospital and are shooting directly at the hospital and the refugees who have taken refuge there.

Mohammed Al-Madhi The head of the surgery department of al-Rentisi hospital, which specializes in children, announced that there is currently no place in Gaza that treats children, and this shows that children suffer the most from the enemy’s aggression. The Zionists have besieged the hospital for 3 days and they want us to leave the hospital, but we did not accept. “Mohammed Zakout”, the director general of hospitals in the Gaza Strip, said about the extremely critical situation of the health and medical sector in this region. We keep contacting UNRWA and the World Health Organization, but they say there is nothing they can do. Negotiations were also held with the Red Cross to bring some fuel to the hospitals, but the Red Cross announced that elements of the occupying regime’s army are preventing the fuel from entering Gaza.

International organizations also warned about the complete destruction of Gaza’s medical sector. Doctors Without Borders announced in this context that the communication of this organization with its employees inside Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza has been cut off and we are worried about the lives of doctors and patients. Stopping attacks on hospitals and protecting the lives of doctors and patients and supporting medical centers is an urgent necessity. Doctors Without Borders emphasized in its statement that the attacks on Al-Shifa Hospital continue to intensify, while There are patients inside the hospital who cannot move. Hospitals in Gaza are constantly bombarded; while the patients and doctors are still inside the hospitals.

The lives of 1 million Palestinian children in Gaza are in danger

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is also warned that the lives of 1 million Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip are in serious danger due to the almost complete collapse of the medical and health sector.

UNICEF, referring to the failure of Al-Nasr and Al-Rentisi hospitals, which were for children, announced Kurd said that the continuation of attacks on these hospitals threatens the lives of children, especially children who are undergoing dialysis and special care. In addition, thousands of children in northern Gaza have no safe place to go, and in the shadow of the intensification of attacks and the lack of any facilities for life, they have disastrous conditions.

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New statistics on the number of children who are victims of Zionist atrocities in Gaza

Invaders’ attack on the maternity hospital and the martyrdom of 2 doctors

On the other hand, Al Jazeera reporter reported this morning about the bombing of the Mahdi maternity hospital in Al-Nasr neighborhood in the west of Gaza and announced that following this 2 doctors were martyred and a large number of IDPs were injured due to the encroachment of the occupation. They are completely out of order. The occupiers bombarded al-Shifa hospital with white phosphorus. Currently, 39 children and babies in the intensive care unit are at risk of death; Because they don’t get oxygen anymore.

Surgeries without anesthesia in the courtyard of hospitals with phone light

He added that Quds Hospital is also out of order and the only department Its special care is active in a limited form, which will also stop in the next few hours. Out of 35 hospitals in Gaza, 20 are completely out of order. These crimes are committed against Gaza in front of the ears and eyes of the whole world.

The Gaza Health Minister added that the depth of the disaster in Gaza hospitals is to the point where surgeries are performed without anesthesia and inside the hospital yard with the light of a phone. This is an event that has never happened in history.

The state media office in the Gaza Strip also announced that due to the continuous bombing of hospitals, the Ministry of Health cannot determine the exact number of martyrs and wounded. Today is the day of war against Gaza hospitals, and the sick and wounded, medical teams and refugees inside the hospitals are surrounded by the Nazi occupying army, while they do not have access to water and food.

This office reported that the regime The occupier has committed more than 1,130 massacres in Gaza and the number of martyrs has reached more than 11,100 people, of which more than 8,000 are women and children, and the number of wounded has reached more than 28,000.

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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