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Medvedev: America was interested in exporting Afghan heroin to Russia

The deputy of the Russian National Security Council stated that the United States not only did not take serious measures to fight against drugs during its 20 years of presence in Afghanistan, but the United States was interested in exporting Afghan heroin to Russia.

– International news

According to the regional office report of Tasnim News Agency

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy of the Russian National Security Council, published a message on his Telegram channel and wrote that America was interested in the export of Afghan heroin to Russia and Moscow’s allied countries in the past 20 years.

He pointed to the new report of the United Nations about the 95% decrease in poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. He stated: In less than a year, regardless of how we feel about them, the Taliban have done what the US-led NATO coalition, which was supposedly fighting terrorism in this country, failed to do in two decades.

The Deputy of the National Security Council of Russia made these statements after the publication of the new report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

UN: 95% poppy cultivation in Afghanistan Reduced
Continued Meetings of the Taliban delegation, Nikbakht and Mullah Baradar discussed about alternative cultivation of poppy

According to this report, poppy cultivation and opium production in Afghanistan decreased by 95% and from 6,200 tons of production in 2022 to 333 tons per year. 2023 has arrived.

end of message/.


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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