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Demonstrations near Biden’s house; “We accuse you of genocide in Gaza”+film

Hundreds of Americans protested against President Joe Biden’s stance on the Gaza war near his home in Wilmington, Delaware.

According to the report of the international group, as the support of the public opinion in different countries intensified for the Palestinians in the inhumane attacks of the Zionist regime, hundreds of protesters gathered near the personal house of the US President Joe Biden in the state of Delaware.

In the videos and pictures published of the gathering of Palestinian supporters near Biden’s personal home in Wilmington, the protest of Palestinian supporters to his positions on the Gaza war can be clearly seen.

Protesters chanted slogans in support of the Palestinian people in this rally, which started on foot from an area in the city of Wilmington and continued to the vicinity of Biden’s personal home.



During this gathering, protesters chanted the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be freed” condemned the positions of the mainstream media in America towards the Zionist regime and Palestine. November next year (2024) and his unconditional support for the Zionist regime warned like this. “and” (if there is no ceasefire (in Gaza), there will be no vote)”.

A number of American protesters in support of the Palestinian people wore masks and also had placards with the theme They carried Palestine. A number of protesters protested the killing of civilians in Gaza, holding pictures of bloodied hands.

Biden has been supporting the occupying Jerusalem regime since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa storm operation by the Palestinian resistance forces against the Zionist regime and the inhumane attacks of this regime against the Palestinians, especially in Gaza, and even a ceasefire in the Gaza war.

Some of those present at the protest rally near the US President’s house addressed him: “Biden, Biden!” You cannot hide, we accuse you of genocide”.

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publisher Fars news agency
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