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Germany doubles military aid to Ukraine

Germany’s coalition government has agreed to double military aid to Ukraine and include it in next year’s budget.

– International News – Tasnim news agency According to Germany’s “NTV”, according to media reports, Germany will increase its military aid to It doubles Ukraine. According to Bild am Sonntag (BamS), citing information from the German Federal Ministry of Defense, the traffic light coalition has agreed on the amount of eight billion euros instead of four billion.

Spokesmen of the Ministry of Defense and the Federal Ministry of Finance They did not comment on the content of this report and referred to the current process of the parliament. On Thursday, the budget committee of the Bundestag will discuss the final expenses of 2024 in the so-called adjustment session. “Andreas Schwartz”, the budget expert of the Social Democratic Party, said: Doubling the military aid to Ukraine is right and important. This confirms our promise to Ukraine with the necessary money. He also said: “The fact that we will also increase the NATO quota to 2.1% is a great success.” NATO member countries have pledged to invest at least two percent of their respective gross domestic products in the military field. We have not yet achieved this goal. Markus Faber, the defense politician of the Liberal Democratic Party in the German coalition government, said on Sunday about the support for Ukraine: We will increase our military aid to Ukraine from 0.1 to 0.2 We will double the percentage of our economic production in 2024. He added: “This is an important sign of continued support against Putin’s war.” Christian Lindner, the German Federal Finance Minister, has also emphasized the importance of strengthening the national and alliance defense as a priority. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the German federal government created a special fund of 100 billion euros for the Bundeswehr (German military). German Chancellor Olaf Schultz called this a “turning point”. On Friday at the German military conference, Schultz described the special fund as an important first step and promised to increase defense spending significantly in the double-digit billion range over the next decade.Germany will meet NATO’s two percent target for the first time next year, according to officials. It will arrive in the defense budget.

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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