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The US national security advisor avoided acknowledging the war crimes of the Zionist regime

In an interview with CNN on Saturday, in response to a question about the Zionist regime’s adherence to the laws of war, the American National Security Adviser said, “I am not there to play the role of a judge.”

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, “Jake Sullivan”, the US National Security Adviser, said on Saturday, in response to a question about the Zionist regime’s adherence to the laws of war, “I am not there to play the role of a judge.” ».

He, who was interviewed by the CNN news network, claimed that Washington does not want armed conflicts to occur in Gaza hospitals.

Security consultant Continuing his speech, the American national said: “We cannot return to the conditions before October 6 in Gaza”. .

The White House previously denied that the Zionist regime committed war crimes.

This is while “Falker Turk” from The officials of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights have emphasized that the Zionist regime has committed war crimes in its war against Gaza.

Vidant Patil, the spokesperson of the US State Department, responded to these statements. He claimed: “The White House has investigated this claim and has not found any facts in this regard.” He said: “There is no adequate support for civilians in Gaza and the United Nations has lost 101 of its forces in the Gaza war.” It started last month, so far 11 thousand 78 people have been martyred and 27 thousand 490 people have been injured. Among these martyrs, 4,506 are children, 3,27 are women, and 678 are elderly. has been drawn and especially Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest hospital in Gaza, is under siege and no one can leave it.

end of message/.


publisher Fars news agency
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