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Mass demonstrations of French politicians in support of Jews

In the midst of increasing Western support for the Zionist regime’s attacks on the Palestinians, French supporters of this regime joined the demonstrations against “anti-Semitism” in France.

According to the report of the international group of Fars news agency, following the large-scale demonstration of supporters of the Zionist regime on Sunday, some French politicians also joined the demonstration and in line with supporting the Zionist regime, “anti-Semitism” “in France” chanted “anti-Semitism” in France, demonstrated.

The Minister of the Interior of France stated during the demonstration that since the beginning of the war on October 7, more than 1 thousand And there have been 247 cases of anti-Semitic acts by supporters of Palestine in France, which is almost three times the total of 2022.

Many prominent French politicians are also The Gaza war has continued to support the actions of the Zionist regime in this war and also participated in this ceremony. and Francois Hollande, the former presidents of France, along with several representatives of the left party, conservatives and moderates of the party of the current president of France, Emmanuel Macron, participated in this march, which was held amid strict security measures.

Although the French President did not participate in the demonstration, he expressed his support for it and called on the French citizens to stand up against any “unbridled anti-Semitism” by the supporters of Palestine. to rise up.

This is while some French politicians consider the participation in this march to be with the unconditional supporters of the killing of Palestinians in Gaza and to participate in the They refused. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of the extreme left party of France, was one of the politicians who did not attend this demonstration. He questioned and stated that the presence of people like “Marine Le Pen” is questionable considering the anti-Semitic roots of her party, i.e. the extreme right. called 105 thousand people, while the Ministry of Interior counted this figure as 182 thousand people throughout France.

France has the largest population of Jews with about 500 thousand Jews. among European countries. Sunday’s march follows countless pro-Palestinian marches in Paris, all of which called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, most of which were banned at the time by French police.

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publisher Fars news agency
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