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Hamas: The Zionists are under the “painful blows” of the resistance day and night/ every meter of advance is equal to the death of more Israeli soldiers

One of the senior leaders of the Hamas movement said: “The enemy’s army is receiving painful blows day and night, and every meter it advances, it pays a heavy price in its ranks and military vehicles, and a large number of its forces are killed.”

– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, “Osame Hamdan” one of the senior leaders of the Hamas movement during a speech Referring to the ongoing crimes of the occupying regime against the civilians of Gaza and especially the hospitals and medical centers, he stated that the responsibility of the Zionist crimes in the hospitals rests with all those who remained silent in the face of these killings or did nothing to stop them, and took a step to criminalize these crimes. Osame Hamdan added that on October 17, the neo-Nazis (Zionists) committed a great massacre in Al-Mu’amdani Hospital, in which 500 people were martyred and nearly 600 were killed. Many of them were children. This is while the world is still standing and watching, and not only does nothing to investigate and prosecute the occupying regime, but also promotes the lies of the Zionists to give them the green light to commit more crimes.

This leader Hamas stated that the occupiers are continuing their crimes against Gaza hospitals while the world is watching these scenes on television. The occupiers bombed Al-Shifa Medical Complex, Al-Nasr Complex, Indonesia Hospital, and Quds Hospital, preventing the movement of ambulances and destroying all the medical equipment of the hospitals.

He continued, the Zionist enemy tried to escape responsibility for this crime by telling lies after the massacre he carried out in al-Mu’amdani hospital, but today he openly and directly targets hospitals and no attention is paid to them. He does not have the anger of the people of the world or the concern of his supporters and partners. The American government and its president, Joe Biden, are the main responsible for the crimes committed by the Zionists in Gaza, and these barbaric attacks are carried out with American fighters and missiles and with the absolute support of the United States. Hamdan emphasized, we support the occupying regime and the failed leaders of Neo-Nazis say that if you brutally target medical centers in Gaza, the resistance men will answer you in the field and you will pay a heavy price. The enemy’s army is receiving painful blows day and night, and every meter it advances pays a heavy price in its ranks and military vehicles, and a large number of its forces perish. It is managed

This senior member of Hamas said in response to the alleged US plan to manage Gaza after the war and to form an “alternative government” instead of Hamas in this region, we call the Americans the Strip Gaza will be governed only by its people, and there will be no political and security authorities except the Palestinians. We are a free people who are not under anyone’s tutelage, and our blood and lives are the price of our freedom and the honor of our patient and steadfast people, whose greatness and power cannot be described in words.

Osame Hamdan: The enemy army in Gaza has entered a state of attrition/ the occupiers are forced to retreat
Osame Hamdan: Zionists are looking for an imaginary image of victory/ the world will witness the saga of Palestinian resistance

He said, so the Americans should not bother to think for themselves and instead find a solution to come down from the tree; before they burn in its fire. (Save themselves from the swamp of Gaza war). And Islamic lacked effective and immediate decisions, procedures and mechanisms to stop the Nazis’ genocidal war against children and defenseless civilians of Gaza. We expected our Arab and Muslim brothers to activate their political and economic power to pressure Washington to immediately stop the aggression against the civilians and children of Gaza.

However, the Hamas leader emphasized. The decision of the summit to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immediate arrival of aid, relief, medical equipment and fuel to this region is moving in the right direction, and we anticipate that this decision will be implemented as soon as possible by opening human crossings permanently and continuously.

Israel prevents the release of its prisoners

Osame Hamdan announced about the case of prisoners that the Zionist regime prevents any agreement to carry out a prisoner exchange deal. Israel is trying to put psychological pressure on the resistance and mediators in the case of prisoners, but so far no final formula has been presented for the release of prisoners. Until the final agreement is reached, it cannot be said that we are far or close to an agreement. Any process of exchange of prisoners must be related to the arrival of food, medicine and fuel aid to Gaza hospitals and the cessation of Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people. He continued, our position was clear from the beginning and we said that the release of Zionist military prisoners who are in the resistance, it is possible only with the release of all the Palestinian prisoners, the number of these prisoners was 5 thousand people before the Al-Aqsa storm battle, and after that it has reached about 9 thousand people. International efforts have been made regarding the release of Zionist civilian prisoners and prisoners of other nationalities, but the Zionist side has so far prevented all these efforts.

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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