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Hard day for Zionists after Hezbollah’s crushing attacks/ 22 Israelis were injured on the northern front

The Zionist media, expressing concern about the escalation of Hezbollah’s missile and drone attacks against the positions of this regime, announced that Israel is on the defensive in the northern front and only yesterday 22 Israelis were injured in Hezbollah attacks.

– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, with the escalation of rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah in Lebanon on enemy positions During the past few days, the Hebrew media announced that the effectiveness of Israeli airstrikes against Hezbollah is decreasing.

The Israeli army is on the defensive in the northern front

The Zionist media also reported that Hezbollah has learned well how to strengthen its fortifications against the Israeli Air Force.

This is while Yoav Galant, the Minister of War of the Zionist regime, announced on Saturday that the Israeli army has directed most of its air force to the northern front with Lebanon, not the Gaza Strip.

The Center for Internal Security Studies of the Zionist regime also announced in a report for the same purpose that the situation on the northern front of Israel (occupied Palestine) has become more dangerous in recent days and we have witnessed a significant escalation of Hezbollah’s operations.

This Zionist center emphasized Kurds, the conflict with Hezbollah in the northern front is still intensifying, and Israel must immediately make an appropriate decision; Because at the same time as the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip since last week, we have seen a significant increase in tensions on the northern front with Hezbollah.

This report further states that Hezbollah is using new and heavy rockets that carry large amounts of explosives. and by introducing drones into the battlefield, they have expanded the scope of the battle and at the same time (Sayed) Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, is maintaining the strategy of “ambiguity about the image and equations of the future”.

According to this report, the field reality along the northern borders with Lebanon has changed and the security cabinet and the military and political institutions of Israel must adopt a suitable method to interact with the possibility of changing the method of Israeli operations in the northern front.

Injured 22 Zionists in the north of occupied Palestine

On the other hand, the Zionist media reported on Monday that 22 Israeli settlers and soldiers were injured following Hezbollah attacks with anti-armor rockets and mortars in the northern front of occupied Palestine. became (Referring to the attacks that Hezbollah carried out yesterday evening against the positions of the Zionist enemy).

Hebrew newspaper Ha’aretz reported in this context that 15 settlers were injured following Hezbollah’s attack with anti-armor rockets on the town of “Doviyo” in the Galilee. 2 of them are in serious condition, and also 7 Israeli soldiers were wounded in the Hezbollah mortar attack on al-Manarah.

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Hezbollah’s crushing blows to the Israeli army today/media Hebrew: Today we witnessed a real war in the north

The difficult day for the Zionists after Hezbollah attacks

The Zionist media announced that the Israeli army after Spending the most important day in the northern borders since the beginning of the war is on alert.

The Zionist Kan network also reported that it took several hours to remove the wounded from the town of Doviyo and the situation is extremely dangerous. This issue increases the frustration of the settlers in the border areas and the reserve forces and increases the pressure on the Israeli army. It is not easy for the Israelis to remain in the situation they have been in for a few weeks.

The Hebrew media called yesterday the most inflammatory day for Israel since the beginning of the war in the northern front of occupied Palestine. that Hezbollah does not pay attention to the warnings of Yoav Gallant (Minister of War of the Zionist regime). Hezbollah has also crossed the red line that Gallant talked about and does not pay attention to them, and these attacks by Hezbollah are a source of shame at the domestic level of Israel. reported that despite Gallant’s warnings, we see that Hezbollah continues its attacks at a rapid pace, and even the Israeli military establishment is not able to stop Hezbollah.

While the Zionist settlers are still evacuating the northern settlements for fear of attacks. They are Hezbollah, the Zionist media expressed concern about the escalation of Hezbollah’s rocket attacks on the northern areas of occupied Palestine and announced that Hezbollah has the power to reach deep into Israel (occupied Palestine) if it wants to.

These media reported that the reality It is that the initiative in the northern front today is in the hands of Hezbollah and the Israeli army is frustrated and has been on the defensive for a long time.

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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