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Kremlin: The transfer of Polish tanks to the east is aggravating the situation/ the process of the withdrawal of Russian nationals from Gaza continues

The press secretary of the Russian president talked about Warsaw’s intention to deploy a new tank battalion in eastern Poland, Schultz’s announcement of readiness to talk with Putin, Kiev’s participation in the explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, and continued efforts to withdraw Russian nationals from the Gaza Strip.
– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, citing Dmitri Peskov from “Tas” news agency, The spokesman of the Kremlin called the plan of the Ministry of Defense of Poland to deploy a new tank battalion in the eastern regions of this country another step to increase tension in the region.

Pskov said in his press conference today: “Of course, this is another step towards the escalation of tension and nothing more.” Of course, our Belarusian friends know what to do, they will take whatever measures are necessary in this situation to ensure the security of the united state of Russia-Belarus.” announced that a new tank battalion has already been deployed in the eastern regions of the country, whose task is to deal with “threats from Russia and Belarus”.

Pskov: Putin is ready for any contact is, although they must be effective

Kremlin spokesman, in response to a journalist’s question, emphasized that Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to talk with leaders of other countries, of course, talks with Olaf Schultz , the German chancellor, is unlikely to be useful because he ignores Russia’s interests.

Peskov noted that the Russian leader is open to any kind of negotiations at the highest level and supports conducting these negotiations for the sake of the outcome, and not just for the sake of the process itself. However, effective dialogue with the Berlin authorities is hardly possible, as Germany is not ready to consider Russia’s interests. He added: “Of course, at the moment, judging by the statements of the representatives of the Federal Republic, it is difficult to say that the balance is still in favor of considering the minimum interests of the Russian Federation.”

However, he He emphasized that with the passage of time, the positions of a number of European countries may change and see the interests of Moscow. Peskov commented on Schultz’s statement last night, in an interview with the Heilbronner Stimme newspaper, that he was ready to continue the conversation with the Russian president. How many hours will it take

The press secretary of the Russian president also said that Vladimir Putin does not yet have a telephone conversation with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in his daily schedule, although their talks will be coordinated within a few hours. .

Dmitry Peskov told reporters in response to the statements of the Turkish president that he would like to discuss the situation in the Gaza Strip with Putin: “<...> high-level talks with the Turkish side within a few The hour will be agreed upon and there will be no problem in this regard.” He added: “The agenda of Putin’s talks with Erdogan is always broad, and this is due to the widening of the relations between the two countries.

The previous conversation between the presidents of Russia and Turkey was held on October 24 and was about the deterioration of the situation in the Middle East. that the positions of the two sides were consistent with each other.

Kremlin demanded to announce the results of the investigation into the sabotage in Nord Stream

The Kremlin spokesman also talked about the possibility Kiev’s participation in the explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipelines was discussed and emphasized that the results of the investigation should be made public and those responsible should be punished. The retired Ukrainian special services in the explosion of these pipelines told reporters that the traces of the Kiev authorities in this act of sabotage are becoming increasingly apparent. He added: “We are carefully examining them (information about this vandalism). Either way, it’s a reason for those doing research to consider the possibility. Of course, it is necessary to announce the results of the investigation as soon as possible and to name the perpetrators and those who participated in the coordination of this action and those who ordered it.” It is alarming that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is not aware of the security forces of his country, because it shows that he has no control over the actions of the Ukrainian authorities. will have

The press secretary of the president also announced to the journalists that Moscow expects the process of deporting Russian citizens from the Gaza Strip to continue and anyone who wants to be able to leave the area.

He said: “This does not mean that the efforts of the diplomats are over, a lot of work needs to be done to ensure that all those who want to leave Gaza can leave.”

Pskov pointed to efforts by Russian diplomats and intelligence services to resolve the issue.

Early this morning, Russia’s Ministry of Contingencies reported that a list of a new group of Russians consisting of 90 to 100 Nafer has been approved by all sides to evacuate from the Gaza Strip. It is known that the operational group of this ministry is now leaving Cairo to accompany them to the Rafah crossing checkpoint.

Early today, it was reported that the first group of Russians evacuated from the Gaza Strip is safe and sound. Salamat arrived at the operational headquarters of Russia’s contingency operations in Cairo. They will leave for the Russian capital this Monday.

A few days ago, Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that more than 1,000 Russian citizens with dual citizenship are on the evacuation list from the Gaza Strip, of which 300 Some of them are minors.

Israel’s anger at Moscow’s positions and not agreeing to the withdrawal of citizens Russia from Gaza
Russia: Israel as an occupying power has the right to defend itself It does not have its own
Russia: America and Israel desire to destroy the residents Gaza/ The attack on Syrian territory is a violation of the sovereignty of this country

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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