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White House: We seek to weaken the IRGC’s ability to target our forces

In an interview on Monday evening, a senior White House official said that Washington is not seeking to confront Iran, but will try to weaken the ability of the Revolutionary Guards and forces supported by Tehran to target American forces.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, White House Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby said in an interview with Fox News on Monday evening that Washington is not seeking to confront Iran, but to weaken the power of the Revolutionary Guards and its forces. We will try to support Iran in targeting American forces.

He continued his words: “We are not looking for a conflict, but we will respond with force to any attacks that our forces face in Iraq and Syria.”

Kirbi pointed to the attacks of the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip and said: “Targeting Hamas commanders is Israel’s right, but it must be careful if there are casualties among civilians, especially hospitals.” Don’t come.”

The government information office in Gaza announced today that the number of martyrs in Gaza has reached 11,240 people, of whom 4,630 are children and 3,130 are women.

According to Al-Mayadeen network, the government information office in Gaza also announced the destruction of 94 government headquarters, 253 schools, 71 mosques and three churches in the attacks of the Zionist regime. According to this report, since the beginning of the war against the Gaza Strip, the Zionist regime has committed 1,153 murders against Palestinians. Some of the partners are in the region and some of them have a direct relationship with Hamas for the release of the abducted persons.


publisher Fars news agency
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