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The 39th day of “Al-Aqsa storm” | Martyrdom of 31 people in the Jabalia camp / Israeli army casualties increase in the conflict in northern Gaza / American media claims about a 5-day ceasefire

The 39th day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation has started with the sounding of the alarm in the occupied areas bordering Lebanon and the continued critical situation in the hospitals of the Gaza Strip. The resistance groups also targeted the illegal bases of the American occupation in Syria.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, in the first minutes of the morning of the 39th day of Operation Storm Al-Aqsa, the alarm has sounded in the occupied areas bordering with Lebanon.

On the other hand, American officials claimed that the military of this country is not present in the ground aggression of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip.

In the first minutes of today, Tuesday, the Israeli army attacked the Tulkarem camp in the West Bank.

The situation in the hospitals of the Gaza Strip due to the all-out attacks of the Zionist regime and the lack of fuel and electricity cuts, as well as the depletion of all supplies Food is still disastrous and according to medical officials, the lives of the wounded and sick, especially babies who need special care, are in serious danger. The head of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital announced that all the beds in the hospital are full. And the wounded are treated on the ground while they are bleeding.

The spokesman of the Gaza Ministry of Health also said: For the third consecutive day, there is no food in the “Al-Shifa” hospital complex.

Dear readers can follow the most important developments of the 30th day of the Gaza war below:


8:05- Zionist army casualties continue in northern Gaza

Israeli army this morning Saturday confirmed that two of the Zionist soldiers were killed and four others were wounded in the clashes in the northwest of Gaza with the Palestinian resistance.

With the confirmation of the death of these two soldiers, the number of Israeli soldiers killed in the past 19 days 47 people have been killed in the land invasion of Gaza.

Palestinians in Hebron >According to these sources, 9 other Palestinians were injured in these widespread attacks.

These sources added that the Zionist army carried out the early morning crime in Tulkarem camp with its suicide drone.


Increasing the number of martyrs of the Zionist attack on the Jabalia camp to 31

The number of martyrs in the attacks of the Zionist regime fighters on the Jabalia camp in the north of the Gaza Strip increased to 31 people.


3 martyrs In the occupation drone attack on Tulkarem/ a Palestinian was martyred in Hebron On the other hand, the number of martyrs during the suicide drone attack of the Zionist regime on Tulkarem camp in the West Bank increased to three people.

The crime of the Zionist military in blowing up the house of a Palestinian family in Nablus

The Zionist army attacked the house of the martyred Mohanand family this Tuesday morning He blew up Shahadeh in the village of Orif, south of Nablus.

Washington Post claim: 5 days ceasefire for exchange The prisoners will be announced /p>


Government Information Office in Gaza: The lying of the occupiers shows their critical state and psychosis

Government Information Office in Gaza: The occupiers previously showed pictures and lied that they were the entrances to the tunnels, but later it became clear that they were the hospital’s fuel and water tanks.

The lies of the occupiers show the state of crisis and psychosis and the pathological nature that they try to convince the world of their continuous crimes and aggressions.


Jordan’s warning to the Zionist regime: moving Palestinians to Jordan is a declaration of war

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi warned that any attempt to move Palestinians to Jordan , is a declaration of war and we will respond to it and deal decisively. Palestinian volleyball in northern Gaza

Ebrahim Qasiyeh, a player of the Palestinian national volleyball team, was killed in an attack by the Zionist regime’s fighters on the Jabalia camp in northern Gaza.

Heavy bombing of Gaza’s al-Momadani hospital in the western regions

Israeli army fighters in the western regions Al-Mu’amdani hospital in Gaza City was heavily bombed. Recently, this hospital witnessed the horrible crime of the occupation of Quds, during which hundreds of people were martyred and injured.

Demonstrations in London and asking Egypt to reopen the Rafah crossing

A number of protesters held a rally in front of the embassy In London, Egypt demanded the reopening of the Rafah crossing for humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip. Gaza / At least 6 Palestinians were martyred as a result of which at least 6 people were martyred and a number of others were injured. Up to the next 48 hours >

Zionist soldiers attack south of Nablus

Zionist soldiers this Tuesday morning They attacked the town of Orif in the south of Nablus, located in the West Bank. We targeted Syria .

A drone attack on another US military base in Syria

News sources announced the attack of a drone on the positions of American soldiers in Al-Khadra village in Syria. Two Palestinians in Tulkarem in the early morning attack of the Zionist forces

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced the martyrdom of two Palestinian youths who were shot by the Zionist forces during their attack on Tulkarem in the north of the occupied West Bank. .


We targeted the position of Malikiya when the Zionist enemy tried to strengthen it with suitable weapons

Islamic resistance of Iraq: we targeted the American base in Syria with a drone

Islamic resistance of Iraq: we targeted the American base in the oil field of al-Omar in Syria with a drone It directly hit the intended target. This attack was carried out in response to the crimes of the Zionist regime against the defenseless people of Gaza. This illegal base was reported by the American occupiers. !

At the same time as the controversial statements of some members of Netanyahu’s cabinet, the media of the Zionist regime claimed that Netanyahu held orientation classes for cabinet ministers with the presence of a legal advisor.

This meeting was after Amikhai Eliyahu, Minister of Cultural Heritage in Netanyahu’s cabinet, called for the use of atomic bombs against the defenseless people of Gaza.

In addition to Eliyahu, Avi Dikhter, Minister of Agriculture in Netanyahu’s cabinet He also called the Israeli army’s attack on Gaza the “Nakbat 2023” of the Palestinians.

It is said that Netanyahu asked the ministers in the meeting last night with the presence of a legal advisor to refrain from making controversial statements.


Netanyahu told the cabinet ministers in this meeting: Learn to keep quiet and don’t say anything that you will regret the next day.


01:24- Firing 6 missiles at the base of the American occupation in Syria

News sources of the firing of 6 missiles at the illegal base of the American occupation in They reported the Al-Omar oil field in the suburbs of Deir Ez-Zor, located in eastern Syria. The generator of Khan Younis Hospital stopped working

Palestinian Red Crescent: The only generator of Khan Younis Hospital stopped working, which threatens the lives of 90 patients.

01:20-Iraqi Islamic Resistance presented a smart missile to confront the Zionist regime

00:53- Claim of the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The US is not involved in Israel’s ground attack on Gaza

Ministry US Foreign Affairs: The reports about the presence of American soldiers in the ground attack on Gaza are lies!

00:42 Zionist soldiers in Tulkarem and their conflict with young fighters They and the young fighters have started and it continues.

Saraya al-Quds, the military branch of the Islamic Jihad movement: We bombed Tel Aviv and the gatherings of enemy soldiers who have penetrated (into the Gaza Strip).

This news will be updated


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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