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Hezbollah’s strong reaction to the Zionist army’s attack on journalists in southern Lebanon

In a statement condemning the Zionist army’s attack on journalists in southern Lebanon, Hizbollah emphasized that the occupiers are trying to prevent the publication of news and pictures of their crimes and terrorist acts by assaulting the media, but they never succeed.
– International news –

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency, Lebanon’s Hezbollah issued a statement against the new aggression of the Zionist army. He reacted to the members of the media in southern Lebanon. In a statement, Hezbollah’s public relations announced in response to the Zionist army’s attack on journalists in the town of “Yaroun” located in the border area of ​​Lebanon with occupied Palestine that this was a crime and The open aggression is aimed at preventing the disclosure of the terrorist acts of the occupying regime by the media.

In this Hezbollah statement, it is stated that we condemn the action of the forces of the Zionist occupation regime in targeting the members of the media in southern Lebanon who are doing their duty. We strongly condemn it. This attack on the media is part of the enemy’s efforts to prevent the disclosure of its crimes, and the occupiers want to prevent the disclosure of their crimes and terrorist actions by targeting media activists.

Hizbollah emphasized that this new crime It was added to the black record of the Zionist enemy, which is full of crimes against journalists and members of the media in Palestine and Lebanon, but the enemy should know that these aggressions will never stop journalists from carrying out their noble mission in conveying stable and heroic images of the resistance and exposing the heinous crimes of the occupiers. It doesn’t stop.

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At the end of this statement, it is stated that Hezbollah again wants to launch a broad campaign with the aim of solidarity with all journalists in Palestine and Lebanon, as well as condemning the Zionist regime in all international and humanitarian circles.


On Monday evening, the Israeli army attacked the journalists present in the border town of Yarun between Lebanon and occupied Palestine with two missiles.

What was the story of Israel’s attack on the journalists’ convoy?


The assassination of journalists and media members and their families It is one of the systematic and ongoing crimes of the Zionist regime since the beginning of the Gaza war and this regime is openly killing media activists in violation of all international standards and laws in order to prevent the disclosure of images and Akhbar its crimes are all over the world.

A few days ago, following the terrorist and deliberate attacks of the occupying regime against journalists and members of the media in the Gaza Strip, the Reporters Organization Without Borders complained to the International Criminal Court against this regime for committing war crimes against journalists.

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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