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The conversation between the Parliamentary Chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and Aliyev about the peace process

In his meeting with Pia Kauma, Ilham Aliyev stated: “Currently, there are very good opportunities for the regional peace agenda. Azerbaijan is a supporter of sustainable peace in the South Caucasus and supports the regional peace agenda, the normalization of relations with Armenia, and the signing of the peace treaty.”
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Pia Kauma, head of the organization’s parliamentary assembly Security and Cooperation in Europe will visit the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia from November 12 to 20. It has been referred to the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Pia Cauma said before this trip that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as an organization can be a platform for negotiations on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Pia Kauma met with President Ilham Aliyev on November 13 as part of his visit to Azerbaijan.

According to the information of the office During the meeting, President Aliyev said that new realities have appeared in the South Caucasus region.

President of Azerbaijan said: The recent events in the region should be considered in the context of occupation and invasion. A 30-year-old Armenian soldier was considered for Azerbaijan. It is not the right approach to project a vision about the future of the region without considering the consequences of this occupation and aggression.

According to Aliyev, there are currently very good opportunities for the regional peace agenda. Azerbaijan supports sustainable peace in the South Caucasus and supports the regional peace agenda, the normalization of relations with Armenia and the signing of the peace treaty. Although Azerbaijan currently presents a clear and transparent program regarding the right of coexistence and return, Armenia has rejected the right of Azerbaijanis to return to Armenia and has not submitted an opinion in this regard.

In this meeting, it was noted that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe can be an effective platform for building trust between the delegations of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, the Speaker of the Parliament and the parliamentary delegation of Azerbaijan to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe will also meet with the internally displaced persons of Nagorno-Karabakh.

European cooperation goes to Georgia.

He met with President Salome Zurabishvili, Speaker of the Parliament, several ministers, the country’s delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, parliamentarians from the government and opposition parties.

Pia Kauma will visit the contact line that separates the Russian-occupied region of South Ossetia from Georgian territory.

He He will end his journey to the South Caucasus in Armenia. In Armenia, Pia Kauma will meet Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Speaker of Parliament, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Helga Schmid.

After the bilateral meetings in Armenia, Kauma will chair the fall meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which will be held in Yerevan on November 18-20.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is the largest regional organization dealing with security in the world. Along with the countries of Europe and Central Asia, America and Canada are members of this organization.

The Parliamentary Assembly advises and proposes to the Council of Ministers and accepts statements related to current political events. 323 representatives from 56 countries participate in this parliamentary assembly.

Pia Kauma was elected as the president of the parliamentary assembly in July this year.

Has Azerbaijan left the Euro-Atlantic area?
Pashinyan moving towards the destruction of the Russian system in Armenia

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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