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The deterioration of the situation of clinics in Germany and the warning of doctors about holding strikes in Christmas

While many health authorities in Germany are warning about the deteriorating conditions in clinics in this country, some doctors have threatened to hold strikes between Christmas and New Year in protest against these conditions.
– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency newspaper “Tags” In an article about the emergency conditions of clinics in Germany, Shaw wrote: “The German Hospital Day is an annual event in which representatives of this industry exchange ideas with politicians. At the beginning of the 46th hospital day in Dusseldorf, further disputes between the federal and state governments took place on Monday. However, all stakeholders agree that reforming the hospital landscape is urgently needed. have resisted In a video conference of the health ministers of these states, it was agreed that the results of the hospital reforms so far should be assessed as “very disappointing”.

The next meeting between the states And the Minister of Health is scheduled for November 23. The states are now demanding that the date should only be used “for a political debate that is open in terms of time and outcome” without a subsequent press conference.

Before Lauterbach and Lehmann’s appearance at the German Hospital Day, representatives of various associations explained the difficult situation of the clinics. “Demographics, staffing needs, financial needs” – with these three keywords, Michael Weber, president of the Association of Senior Hospital Physicians (VLK), described the “enormous challenges” facing the hospital landscape.

Ingo Morel, head of the German Hospital Association (DKG), emphasized that, in particular, inflation and rising tariffs are already affecting hospitals. According to him, for example, many hospitals can no longer pay Christmas bonuses for their employees from their own resources. Bankruptcies are looming, and clinics are already going into foreclosure due to their debt burdens. According to the repeated requests of the industry, the government should provide more support to hospitals.

A survey by the German Hospital Association (DKG) among its members showed that 49 A percentage of public hospitals are planning to reduce their staff due to financial problems. Ingo Morelder said: “We are cutting staff that we urgently need.” Sabine Berninger of the German Professional Association for Professionals Nursing (DBfK) also complained about the severe shortage of skilled workers in nursing. He warned that digitization and migration can only provide limited help. This is why the untapped potential in care must be increased and staff given more autonomy and skills.

Ingo Morel of the German Hospital Association is concerned The transparency law intended by the government will not only increase the bureaucracy, but also bring it to “higher levels”. The German Hospital Association asked the states not to agree to this law in the Bundesrat and involve the mediation committee. Michael Weber, the representative of doctors in Germany, said: , they wanted to discuss the federal health minister’s hospital reform and its implications. But there is not even a draft bill yet. He criticized the current reform process and considered it non-transparent. So far, the federal and state governments have only agreed on the key points of the reforms.

Karl Lauterbach later admitted in his statement on Hospital Day that the timetable for the bill It is several months late. He explained it by its complexity and uniqueness, declaring that there is no model for this work in Europe. However, this law will be passed in the first half of 2024 and will remain in full force until 2029.

In this Conditions Doctors in Hamburg have announced that they may go on strike in some form between Christmas and New Year and stop work in protest of these conditions. These strikes are held in protest against the health minister’s policies.

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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