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Lavrov: France’s arrest warrant against Assad is a manifestation of judicial dryness

On Thursday, while condemning the Security Council for not passing a resolution for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the Russian Foreign Minister said that after the war, they should sit at the negotiating table and agree on the creation of a Palestinian state.

According to the Fars News Agency International Group, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov condemned the UN Security Council today (Thursday) for failing to pass a resolution calling for a permanent humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza war.

Lavrov said during a press conference with Venezuela’s foreign minister in Moscow: “Immediately after the cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip, we should sit down at the negotiating table and reach an agreement on the creation of a Palestinian state.” “.

According to the Sputnik news agency, he also explained about the situation in the Gaza Strip: “Russia condemns terrorism in all its forms, but it also resolutely fights with reckless methods. It is against it”.

In another part of his speech, the Russian Foreign Minister said that France’s issuance of an international arrest warrant against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is a manifestation of dry thinking and judicial bias.


Lavrov also stated about the West Bank: “At the moment, not much is being said or written about the West Bank, because all the attention is focused on the Gaza Strip, but there are also dozens of victims there, attacks as well.” It is being done there, which worries Moscow.

Accordingly, he also added: “We call for an immediate end to the bloodshed and an immediate solution to the humanitarian problems that are literally occurring in the Gaza Strip. And now they are visible in the West Bank, we insist.” He knew the Gaza Strip. (more details)

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publisher Fars news agency
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