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American bases under resistance attacks; The third base was also targeted

The Islamic resistance of Iraq announced that it has targeted the American military base in northeastern Syria with two suicide drones.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the Islamic Resistance of Iraq announced today (November 26) that in its third operation today, the “Tal Bidr” base belonging to the American occupation in the west of al-Hakseh city was targeted by a drone attack.

In the announcement of this resistance group, it is stated that in response to the enemy’s crimes in Gaza, it has successfully targeted this base with two drones. This is the third attack on American bases in the region in the past few hours.

At noon today, with a time interval of one hour, the Islamic Resistance of Iraq launched a drone attack on the “Harir” base in Erbil province and Another attack was reported by two suicide drones to Ain al-Assad base.

 Drone attack on “Harir” military base

Since the beginning of the war in Gaza, the Iraqi resistance has repeatedly targeted Ain al-Assad base in western Iraq and Harir in northern Iraq.

Abu Ala al-Walai, the secretary general of the resistance group “Kataib Seyyed al-Shahada” of Iraq, also told al-Mayadeen that as long as the attacks of the Israeli regime on Gaza continue, these attacks will not stop, while Iraqi sources are concerned about the intense pressure of the Washington government on Baghdad. They give notice to stop these attacks.

In this regard, Jassim Mohammad Jafar, a member of the Government of Law coalition (led by Nouri al-Maliki), told Al-Malouma website three days ago that the Islamic resistance of Iraq reacted He has officially joined the Zionist regime’s crimes in the Al-Aqsa storm battle.

He also said that the government of Muhammad al-Sudani is under severe pressure from the United States to stop the attacks of the Iraqi resistance.

On the other hand, the US Defense Ministry announced on Thursday evening that US forces were attacked three more times in Iraq and Syria since Tuesday, bringing the total number of attacks to 58 since October 17.

“Sabrina Singh”, the deputy spokesperson of the US Department of Defense, stated this news and claimed that all these attacks were “unsuccessful” and did not cause “serious injuries” to the American soldiers. .

While the American media have reported that since the operation of the Palestinian resistance movement known as “Aqsa Storm” against the Zionist regime, 60 American soldiers have been injured as a result of these attacks. Some of these soldiers have suffered a mild concussion.

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publisher Fars news agency
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