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The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) announced that the deputy speaker of the Gaza Parliament was martyred following an attack by the Israeli army on the parliament headquarters.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) announced this morning (Saturday) the martyrdom of Ahmed Bahr, the Vice Speaker of the Gaza Parliament.

According to the statement issued by Hamas, Hamar Bahr was martyred a few days ago following the Israeli army’s attack on the Gaza Strip parliament.

Hamas condoles the death of this senior member. himself, said: “Martyred Dr. Ahmed Bahr (Abu Akram), the deputy speaker of the Palestinian parliament, has died after being injured in the Zionist attack on the Gaza Strip parliament.”

Palestinian Islamic Resistance At the same time, he stressed that the Israeli army’s attack on the Gaza parliament and its destruction requires immediate and effective international action. They published the moment the “Golani” brigade entered the Gaza parliament. The Israeli forces blew up the building of the Gaza Parliament two days after its entry.

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