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Bloomberg: Ukraine should not expect more aid from America

Bloomberg reported that the United States may not send new aid to Ukraine until the middle of next month.

– International News

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency

, Bloomberg publication quoted several American legislators and reported that Ukraine may not receive new aid from the United States until the middle of next month, December or even longer than this period.

These lawmakers added that the earliest Congress could approve new aid to Ukraine is mid-December.

Senators from both parties are working on an agreement in the coming days on an aid package, Bloomberg said, as fuel, weapons and ammunition run out in Ukraine.

This publication pointed out that the deadlock in aid to Ukraine in the face of the Russian invasion indicates a gap in this matter.

while in the middle of October, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Ukraine would not last a week if the supply of Western weapons was stopped. He estimated the losses of Ukraine in the counterattack eight times more than the Russian army and pointed out that the Russian military forces are improving their position along the entire contact lines in the conflict zone. color:white”>.

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Denis Shmygal also announced last night that $1.1 billion – exactly the amount Kiev authorities expect to receive from the World Bank in loans for social payments. According to him, Ukraine continues to attract money from partners.

Wall Street Journal newspaper It also reported on Friday, quoting American officials, that the budget of the US Department of Defense to buy weapons for Kiev and replenish its stockpile is running out.

According to news sources, the Pentagon currently has about $5 billion on hand to continue arms to Ukraine, but another fund intended to supplement its weapons stockpile has been reduced to $1.1 billion. This publication added: This means that the budget of the US Department of Defense is running out.

Early on Friday, US President Joe Biden was forced to introduce a bill related to Sign off on funding this country’s government without allocating funds for aid to Ukraine in order to avoid a federal government shutdown.

Ukraine developments| Zelensky’s warning: without the support of the West, the army will fail/ the need to abandon the illusion of Russia’s failure

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