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The latest status of the largest hospital in Gaza after 8 days of siege

Referring to Tel Aviv's one-hour deadline to evacuate Al-Shifa Hospital, the Palestinian authorities announced on Saturday that there are still 120 patients in this hospital who are unable to leave.

According to the report of Fars International News Agency, the images published from inside the largest hospital in Gaza, which the Zionist army attacked with the claim of a network of Hamas resistance tunnels under it, indicate the forced evacuation of this hospital. .

Mohammed Zaqout, director of Gaza Hospitals, regarding the latest situation of Al-Shifa Hospital following the deadline of the Zionist regime army for its immediate evacuation, stated that a large number of patients and asylum seekers from this hospital They left on foot and the process of evacuating this hospital continues, but there are still a number of injured people and medical staff in this hospital. This hospital, which has been attacked by Israeli soldiers since Wednesday (November 15), stated that 6 dialysis patients and 22 special care personnel were martyred today. The evacuation process continues, and we are going to place both premature babies in an incubator after transferring them to other hospitals.

Mohammed Abu Salmia, the director of Al-Shifa, also said in an interview with Al-Jazeera: The hospital evacuation operation began after the one-hour deadline of the Israeli army to evacuate patients, wounded, displaced persons and medical staff. After the evacuation of the hospital, 5 medical staff and about 120 patients who are unable to walk due to surgery have remained in the hospital, and arrangements have been made with the United Nations to evacuate these people from the hospital.

He added: There are still 30 premature babies in the hospital, and arrangements have been made with the Red Cross to remove them. The situation in al-Shifa is very difficult. We have not had water for more than a week and the children have not had oxygen capsules for a long time.

Abusalimah stated that the Israeli army bombed oxygen stations, water lines and pharmacies, and there is no suitable place to live in the hospital, not even food.

He had previously said that 300 patients and injured, including 34 premature babies, are in the hospital.

Al Jazeera reported, quoting an informed source in Dar al-Shafa. that the Israeli army is still searching for traces of the Hamas tunnel network under this hospital and excavations are continuing in the area of ​​this hospital.

The occupying army, this morning through loudspeakers and by contacting the manager of al-Shifa hospital, announced that all those present in this hospital have one hour to evacuate this hospital on foot towards Al-Bahr Street.

However, following the release of this news, the Zionist Army claimed in a statement that it had only created a safe way for people to leave Al-Shifa Hospital and Any action towards the safe evacuation of patients is welcome.

The United Nations had previously announced that there are about 2,300 patients and medical staff and refugees in this hospital, whose fate is in an aura of uncertainty. has it.

This is despite the fact that in addition to Hamas and the Palestinian authorities, Western media such as CNN, BBC and New York Times and even Israeli media confirm the truth of Tel Aviv’s claim regarding the existence of a network of Hamas tunnels under this hospital. have been questioned.

According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, no food, water or medicine has arrived in this hospital for eight days and 51 patients, including 4 premature children, have died during this time. have lost

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