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Amir Abdollahian in the two headquarters of the United Nations; Gaza is the focus of consultations

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, who recently visited New York and met with Guterres while participating in the General Assembly, continued the consultations to stop the crimes of the Zionists and lift the blockade of Gaza, during his trip to Geneva, he met with the United Nations officials at the European headquarters of this organization and proposed to hold a meeting. raised the extraordinary session of the Human Rights Council.

According to the reporter of Fars news agency’s foreign policy group, forty-three days have passed since the Zionist attacks on Gaza in response and under the pretext of Al-Aqsa storm operation. During this period, this regime not only attacked residential areas, mosques, churches, etc., as a result of which, according to the latest statistics, more than 12,000 people were martyred in these attacks, it made the siege of Gaza tighter and tighter. and prevented humanitarian aid and humanitarian aid to this region.

From the beginning, the Islamic Republic of Iran called this operation 100% resistance and after the Israeli regime’s crimes against the defenseless people of Gaza, It made efforts to stop the attacks and send humanitarian aid. From the telephone consultations of the president and the head of the diplomatic service of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the correspondence of Amir Abdullahian and the trips that were made during this period. He pointed out that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has started a series of measures at the national, regional, Islamic, Arab and international levels and continues these efforts. Stopping the war and ending the military actions of the Zionist regime, lifting the blockade and sending humanitarian aid to the people under the siege of Gaza, and confronting the coercive measures of this regime to relocate the Palestinian people from the north of Gaza or out of Gaza were and are at the top of the priorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. .

Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, in addition to the telephone consultations and correspondence, had two regional trips during this period. The first countries in the first tour included Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Qatar, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, while meeting and talking with the high-ranking officials of these countries, also met with the leaders of the resistance in Lebanon and Qatar. One day after this trip, the Minister of Foreign Affairs went to Jeddah at the head of a delegation and gave a speech at the extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. In this meeting, he made some suggestions and called for a political and economic boycott of the Israeli regime by Muslim countries. On the sidelines of this meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs also discussed the situation in Gaza and the developments in Palestine with some of his colleagues and officials present, including his Saudi counterpart. The destination of the travels of the Head of Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran was to participate in the United Nations General Assembly meeting and consult with the Secretary General of this organization and some counterparts.


This high-ranking Iranian diplomat addressed Zionist warmongers and statesmen in the UN General Assembly. The American said: In New York and from the headquarters of the United Nations to the Israeli warmongers and its supporters, the American statesmen and soldiers who are now managing the genocide in Palestine, I say frankly that we do not welcome the expansion and scope of the war in the region, but I warn if If the genocide continues in Gaza, they will not be spared from this fire. It is our home, West Asia is our region. We do not compromise with any party in the security of the home.

He stated that the history of Iranian civilization shows that we have always supported peace and emphasized the immediate stop of the genocide and the forced migration of the people of Gaza. And he added: “Gaza is waiting for urgent and vital humanitarian aid.” Not only is it a direct participant, but it is directly managing this war, which makes it an international responsibility. In addition, while the United States itself is actually and directly involved in committing crimes against the Palestinians, it is not in a position to invite others to not develop war and exercise restraint. (Read here)

After that, in the second round of his trips to the region, he traveled to Qatar and then to Turkey and met with the authorities. These countries, as well as Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas’s political office, met in Doha and were informed about the latest developments in Gaza.



* Ayatollah Raisi’s phone calls and trip to Riyadh

In addition to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, during this time President Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi also had a telephone conversation with some of his leaders and counterparts. Uzbekistan had and discussed the issue of Gaza in the meetings that took place, and finally, on Saturday, November 20, he participated in the meeting of heads of Islamic and Arab countries in Riyadh and put forward 10 proposals about the situation in Gaza. , the immediate military withdrawal of the Zionist regime from this region, the termination of any political and economic relations with the Zionist regime by Islamic countries, the establishment of an international court to prosecute and punish the Zionist and American criminal leaders, the establishment of a special fund for the immediate reconstruction of Gaza with Accepting Islamic countries and sending convoys of ships carrying humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people from Islamic countries were the proposals of the president in Riyadh.

* Visit to the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva

In continuation of these consultations and at the same time as the 40th day of these attacks, Hossein Amirabdollahian on Wednesday, November 24, in a trip that He went to Geneva to hold consultations with some UN officials and the head of the World Red Cross. According to Nasser Kanani, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the trip was carried out in line with the continuation of diplomatic efforts related to the Palestinian issue, especially pursuing the issue of sending humanitarian aid to the oppressed people of Gaza at international levels and meeting and talking with some officials of the United Nations and the International Red Cross. became. Reza Najafi, Vice President of Legal and International Affairs, Nasser Kanani, Speaker, Marzieh Afkham, Director General of Women and Human Rights Affairs, and Esmail Baqaei Hamaneh, Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, accompanied Amir Abdullahian on this trip.

Asr On Tuesday and before this trip, Amir Abdullahian and Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar, in a telephone conversation discussed the continuation of the genocide in Gaza and the very critical humanitarian situation and the need to immediately stop the war crimes against Gaza and provide aid. Urgently emphasized to the Palestinian people.

The first meeting of Amir Abdullahiyan took place before noon on Wednesday, November 24, with his presence at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva. Meeting with “Martin Griffiths”, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs. In this meeting, Amir Abdullahian, referring to the deplorable human developments in Gaza as a result of the Zionist regime’s attacks, said that unfortunately the scope of the Zionist regime’s attacks on Gaza is expanding and it is necessary to take immediate and effective measures to stop the Zionist regime’s attacks.

The necessity of sending humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza and the strong and urgent management of the United Nations in order to completely remove the blockage of the Rafah border was one of the other issues that Amir Abdollahian raised in this meeting, and at the same time He said that there is no chance for this regime to win the war and it will only increase the costs of the US government as its biggest supporter and responsible for the continuation of the war.


Griffiths expressed concern about the terrible condition of Shafa Hospital and described it as a tragedy. expressed concern over the increase in the scope of the war in Gaza, appreciated Iran’s efforts to prevent the expansion of the scope of the war in the region and emphasized the need to strengthen efforts to stop the war and end the current alarming conditions.



* a figure that Americans take

The head of the diplomatic service then came to the journalists and while explaining the goals of this trip, he called the humanitarian situation in Gaza very unfortunate and said : Unfortunately, in a situation where the Americans send all kinds of weapons, including phosphorous and prohibited weapons, on a daily basis from Cyprus or directly from all their bases throughout the region to Tel Aviv, and these bombs are dropped on the oppressed and resistant people of Gaza. , but for sending humanitarian aid, America mostly pretends that we are looking to send humanitarian aid, but in practice nothing important happens.


* Eli Cohen’s presence in Geneva

At the same time as Amir Abdollahian was in Geneva, Eli Cohen, the foreign minister of the Zionist regime, also came to Geneva. The fake Israeli regime hastened to Geneva and brought some families of Israeli prisoners with it to Geneva to show them oppressors. Meanwhile, there are more than 6,000 Palestinian prisoners, including many women and children, in the prisons of the occupation regime. Three weeks ago, in the meeting we had with the political leader of Hamas in Doha, Mr. Haniyeh announced his agreement for the immediate release of the civilians who are with Hamas, but in the discussions and exchange of messages and efforts to stop the war in the region, the parties So far, Israel has not accepted the conditions that would speed up the release of these prisoners and civilians in Gaza. On the contrary, this regime is trying to continue the war, killing and genocide in Gaza under this pretext.

* The humanitarian pause has no meaning other than the continuation of the killing and the starvation of the helpless Palestinian people. , talked with a number of UN officials, officials of humanitarian institutions, religious institutions, university professors and a number of ambassadors residing in Geneva at the center of humanitarian dialogues about the current developments in Palestine and the Zionist regime’s aggression in Gaza. .

Amir Abdullahian stated in this meeting: My presence in Geneva and in this meeting in the center of humanitarian dialogues and intensive consultations that I will have with some international organizations based in Geneva is in line with the fulfillment of a duty. In addition to being the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on behalf of the Iranian people, I assume responsibility based on the responsibility assigned by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

He stated that the legal and moral standing and validity of international humanitarian law has been exposed to a very serious test, and added: “Let’s not allow an occupying and apartheid entity to destroy the dignity and validity of international systems in to challenge and ridicule the field of humanitarian law so boldly.

In this meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized the immediate and unconditional stop of the killings, war crimes and genocide of the people of Gaza and said: immediate and effective humanitarian aid, including medical aid and Medicines and food should be provided to the people of Gaza without delay. It should not be allowed that the Zionist regime or some of its supporters, by proposing deviant concepts such as “humanitarian pause”, seek to escape the pressure of public opinion and buy time to commit more crimes by the occupying regime.

Preventing the forced displacement of Palestinians from their homes was one of the other topics that the Iranian Foreign Minister discussed in This meeting emphasized it and also said that international organizations should be very careful not to become a tool or accomplice of Israel and its supporters by facilitating the forced migration of Palestinians.

Amir Abdullahian also He said: The international community has a legal and moral duty to effectively prosecute the crimes committed and to try and punish the leaders of the Zionist regime. Otherwise, the commission of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity will be normalized more and more. (more details)

* From writing a letter to the High Commissioner of Human Rights to meeting him in Geneva

After that, Amir Abdullahian with

The High Commissioner of Human Rights, while expressing his satisfaction with this meeting and referring to his recent trip to the Rafah region and border, called the humanitarian conditions in Gaza and even the West Bank very worrying and added: “We must make maximum efforts.” to find a solution to this complicated and deplorable situation and prevent the war from spreading and the situation becoming more complicated.

In addition to Amir Abdullahian, Ali Bagheri, the political deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also visited Geneva. He had a conversation with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk about the situation in Gaza and asked him to visit Gaza.

* Meeting with the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross

Mrs. Miriana Spoliarik Iger President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Sohrh Jahani was the third official whom the head of the diplomatic service of the Islamic Republic of Iran met at the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva. Of course, since the beginning of the recent developments in Gaza, Amir Abdullahian had a telephone conversation with Miriana Spoliarik Iger on the 18th of October.

Hamas has shown its goodwill regarding the issue of civilian prisoners and is ready to exchange civilian prisoners, but the Israeli regime is playing with time. Some Israeli prisoners are being oppressed in Geneva.

He also spoke about the capabilities of the Red Cross in the field of prisoners, providing aid to Gaza and other humanitarian issues in Gaza, and the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross thanked Iran for trusting the committee and helping to carry out its missions, and considering it complex The situation in Gaza called for the help of Iran and other countries to successfully carry out the humanitarian tasks of the Red Cross and he added: “Understanding the sensitivity of the situation, we will do our best to reduce human suffering.” Eli Cohen also met with the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross during his trip to Geneva. Iran in Geneva

Amir Abdollahian’s last program on Wednesday in Geneva was a meeting with “Gir Pederson”, the special representative of the UN Secretary General on Syrian affairs. On Wednesday night, Gir Pederson attended the Iranian delegation to the United Nations in Geneva, and during this meeting, the latest political developments in Syria and ways to help solve the country’s problems were discussed.

In this meeting, Pederson explained his efforts and plans to help solve the crisis in Syria and explained his views regarding the continuation of the political process of this country and the constitutional committee, and added that he will try to reduce tensions in Syria. and expressed hope that the current developments in Palestine will not have a negative impact on the situation in Syria.

Foreign Minister spoke to CBS and Financial Times during his stay in Geneva. In an interview with CBS, the foreign minister said that the United States has intensified the war in Gaza by supporting the Zionist regime.

* Conversation with the French counterpart in Geneva

Thursday evening and before leaving Geneva, Amir Abdollahian met with the French counterpart Catherine Colonna and had a conversation He and his French counterpart had met each other on April 17 of this year, on the sidelines of Amir Abdullahian’s trip to Beijing to meet with his Saudi counterpart. The situation in Gaza and bilateral relations and consular issues were discussed in this meeting which lasted for about an hour. Amir Abdollahian also wrote about his meeting with the French counterpart on the X -Social Network: In Geneva, we had an explicit and important conversation with French Foreign Catherine Klonavoser about Palestinian developments, bilateral issues, consular and landscapes of Iran -French relations. While warning of the consequences of the continuation of war crimes in Gaza, the immediate stop of genocide in Gaza was emphasized, sending relief aid and exchange of civilian prisoners.

Foreign Minister before leaving Geneva to Tehran also described reporters. His consultations in Geneva addressed and said: “We agreed that these crimes against civilians in Gaza and the coast should be stopped quickly and that the border of reopening and extensive human aid would enter Gaza and the West Bank.” Meanwhile, the issue of forced Palestinians to Jordan and Egypt, which is a completely worrying issue for the international community, was considered. Our request from the UN and Red Cross and Humanitarian Organizations was that they must be out of passive and their essential and serious and effective actions were witnessed by the world.

He also referred to her meeting with French Foreign Minister Catherine Colona in Geneva and said: “Today we had explicit, clear and important conversations with French Foreign Minister Ms. Catherine Colona in Geneva and made it clear that you could not only take action alongside the US. Speak to Hamas, Hamas is a libertarian Palestinian movement against the occupation. Of course, we have always condemned the killing of women and children in every world, but the silence of the United States and some Western countries cannot be tolerated by killing more than 6,000 children and several thousand women who have no meaning other than genocide in Palestine.

Amir Abdullahian added:” We and he agreed that the domain of The war should not spread, and all parties should spend the necessary attention and seriousness on the political initiatives that focus on stopping war crimes, exchange of prisoners and sending humanitarian aid. But we have warned that if this situation continues, any possibility, including further expansion of the battle range, is conceived.

end of the message/


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