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Amir Abdullahian: Documenting the crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza is a basic necessity

The Minister of Foreign Affairs called documenting the crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza a fundamental necessity and emphasized on holding an emergency meeting of the Human Rights Council as soon as possible to investigate the dimensions of gross violations of human rights in Gaza.

According to the reporter of Fars news agency’s foreign policy group, today (Wednesday, December 1st) a conference on the development of Gaza from the perspective of international law was held at the Center for Political and International Studies of the Ministry of Khajeh Affairs. The Minister of Foreign Affairs was also read.

In this message, Amir Abdullahian stated that any discussion about the developments in Gaza since October 15, without considering the 75-year history of occupation and repression, is completely It is incomplete and better, he said: This is the point that my colleagues and I have to remind in the face of our Western counterparts who deliberately highlight the operation of Hamas on October 7 as an isolated incident and insist on inducing it to be the cause of Israel’s encroachment on Gaza. We do.

He added: The Palestinian crisis, as a tragedy that is truly a source of moral shame for the Western civilization that claims human rights and the rule of law, did not begin on October 7, but from 1948 and The establishment of the occupying regime began on the day that the Palestinians rightly call the Day of Nakbat, and it has continued in an exponential manner and intensity.

The head of the diplomatic service reminded: The conflict in Gaza has two sides on the surface, one side is a fake and illegitimate government that is the result of usurping and occupying the land of a nation and suppressing and killing them and forcing them to move. And the other side is a nation that, despite all the pressures in the past 75 years, insists on preserving and asserting its natural right to form an independent country on its entire motherland, and for many years in a small part of its motherland that is under complete siege by the occupying forces. It resists removal and complete digestion in the digestive system of the occupying regime. The truth of the liberation movement

In this message, the foreign minister stated that this nation, which is deprived of the fundamental right to determine its own destiny and is under apartheid at the same time, by Representatives, one of the most important of which is Hamas, are represented, he said: Thus, Hamas and other groups that cooperate with it are also considered as accurate and real examples of the liberation movement, which is fighting for the right to self-determination of the Palestinian nation and freedom from the yoke of occupation and apartheid. They do.

He pointed out that the right to self-determination is recognized in the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Court of Justice and other valid international documents. , has noted: According to Resolution No. 130/45 approved on December 14, 1990 by the General Assembly (United Nations), people under foreign rule, foreign occupation or apartheid have the right to fight for the right to self-determination with “all available means, including armed struggle”. . Therefore, the armed struggle against apartheid regimes is legitimate in international law. But in reality, the conflicts in Palestine cannot be considered between two sides. According to international law, the occupying party has nothing but duty. The concept of the right of legitimate defense for the occupying regime is completely perverse. In terms of international law, the occupying party does not have such a right.

Amir Abdollahian’s message to this conference states: Therefore, the armed struggle of the people under occupation to free themselves from occupation and gain the right to self-determination, according to International law is (completely) legitimate and there is no doubt about it. The position of international humanitarian law is also clear in this regard, as according to protocol number one of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, the armed struggles of national liberation movements are recognized as international armed conflict and subject to the rules of the law of war.

In this message, the Minister of Foreign Affairs explained that the struggle of the Palestinian people against the occupation is a legitimate and legal struggle: This legitimacy has two aspects. First, the armed struggle of the Palestinian people is against the occupation. Second, these campaigns are against a racist and apartheid system whose legitimacy is recognized in international law. Let’s keep in mind that apartheid of the Zionist regime is now a proven fact, which has been documented and substantiated by the relevant reporter of the Human Rights Council in his official report to the Council, and is not a political or propaganda claim.

Amir Abdullahian stated that the Hamas movement and other Palestinian resistance groups, as representatives of the occupied Palestinian nation, are considered a national liberation movement and not a terrorist group, and stated: Hamas is also the elected representative of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Yes, because in addition to representing their nation in the fight against the occupation, they have already been elected by the people of Gaza in a free election.

* The Israeli regime has created a repressive system based on racism and apartheid against the Palestinians for years.

He also mentioned the situation in Gaza and said: Gaza is practically in a state of complete occupation and siege, and the occupying party has specific duties and obligations according to international law. The occupying side is obliged to protect the people under occupation.

According to Fars report, the head of the diplomatic service in this message stated that the attack of the Zionist regime on Gaza should be done within the framework of international humanitarian law, specifically The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol No. 1 attached to it have been reviewed and clarified: the occupying party and basically every party to the conflict is obliged to comply with the rules of the laws of war, especially the principle of separation between military and civilian objectives. Violation of the rules of the law of war is a war crime and entails the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators and the international responsibility of the offending party. International humanitarian law by the Zionist regime is so clear, numerous and continuous that it is very easy to distinguish it with the naked eye in terms of legal expertise. has been committed At least what can be claimed with certainty is the commission of gross and severe violations of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, which amounts to the occurrence of countless war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

It has been pointed out that the occurrence of two other severe international crimes, i.e. crimes against humanity and the crime of genocide, can also be confirmed in Gaza: the main target of Israel’s indiscriminate, widespread and organized attacks in Gaza are civilians. This is in line with the definition of crimes against humanity according to Article 7 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court. In addition, Article 7 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court states that apartheid is one of the manifestations of a crime against humanity, and who would not confirm that the Israeli regime has established a repressive system based on racism and apartheid against the Palestinians for years.

* The attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza definitely have all the elements of war crimes

In the message of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to this conference, it is also stated: With regard to the words and explicit positions of various officials of the Israeli regime that the people of Gaza are not considered as human beings and similar interpretations, which all indicate The intention of the decision-makers and the intellectual and religious authorities of the regime is to destroy the Palestinians, including by forcibly moving them out of Gaza, the application of genocide to Israel’s military operations in Gaza is completely logical and defensible. According to Article 6 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, which is based on the 1948 Convention against Genocide, “the existence of specific malicious intent to partially or totally destroy an ethnic, national, racial, religious group,…” is a condition for establishing the crime of genocide. Such an intention has been raised many times in different ways by the authorities of the regime. In the latest example, one of the ministers of the regime’s cabinet spoke about the use of atomic bombs against Gaza, saying that it cannot have any result other than the destruction of all or most of the population of Gaza. International law, the duty is clear, has stated: The Zionist regime’s attacks on Gaza definitely have all the elements of a war crime, and at the same time it is completely possible to prove a crime against humanity and even genocide. But the issue is how to end the chronic impunity for the crimes of the Zionist regime? How can the International Criminal Court be encouraged to speed up the investigation of the crimes committed by the Israeli regime? started, added: Expressing regret that the comprehensive support of the US and some other western countries to the Israeli regime has caused this regime to commit its crimes. America and other countries supporting the regime are undoubtedly considered accomplices of the regime in the crimes committed. The obligation of countries according to Article I of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 to ensure compliance with international humanitarian law is clear. Similarly, countries have a legal obligation to prevent and fight genocide. America and European countries have both violated their obligations and unfortunately insist on this violation. It was implemented

The Minister of Foreign Affairs has noted in the message: despite the comprehensive support of the United States and some other Western countries to Israel, which is the main obstacle to The way to make this regime accountable is not to be inactive. It is necessary to use all international tools, including judicial and criminal and human rights, to explain the terrible dimensions of the crimes committed. As emphasized in paragraph eight of the recent resolution of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, documenting the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza is a basic necessity. and deputies in committing these crimes, in addition to being a necessary condition for any criminal proceedings in the future, it can have a deterrent role in continuing to commit these crimes. Human rights mechanisms and institutions should also be used for this documentation.

The foreign minister stated that the active support of America, Canada, Germany, England and some other human rights claimants from the Zionist regime It is really scandalous the double and hypocritical approach of the West in relation to human rights, he stated: This is very instructive and instructive. It is necessary to hold a special or emergency meeting of the Human Rights Council as soon as possible, which should have been convened a long time ago to investigate the dimensions of gross violations of human rights in Gaza. The realization of this goal requires the unity of opinion of Islamic countries and making the non-alignment movement more active as a traditional supporter of liberation movements and especially the cause of Palestine.

* Gaza is the testing ground for the efficiency and effectiveness of international law, especially international humanitarian law

according to Fars report, Amir Abdullahian addressed this conference in his message Stating to the audience that Gaza is the testing ground for the efficiency and effectiveness of international law, especially international humanitarian law, and especially the criminal law and human rights system to deal with criminal lawlessness, he added: In relation to Palestine, the problem is not the lack of laws and regulations; Rather, the problem is caused by the active support of the Western powers on the part of lawbreakers, which has made the international institutional mechanisms, including the Security Council, ineffective and caused the invalidity of all international law and international humanitarian law.

Fars report, Elham Aminzadeh, Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kazem Gharibabadi, International Deputy and Secretary of Human Rights Staff of the Judiciary, Jalalzadeh, Chairman of the Foreign Policy and National Security Commission of the Islamic Council, Habibzadeh, Head of the International Legal Center of the Presidency, Esmail Baqaei Hamaneh, Assistant Minister of Affairs. Foreign Affairs and Shir Gholami, Research and Studies Vice President of the Center for Political and International Studies attended the conference and gave a speech.

end of message/


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