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One roof and two airs of Biden about “betting” to help the Zionist regime

While the American president values ​​the idea of ​​progressive Democrats to "bet" providing aid to the Zionist regime, he still believes that implementing this idea in the current situation will end up being detrimental to Washington.

According to the report of the international group of Fars News Agency, US President Joe Biden rejected the idea put forward by his critics within his party to determine special conditions to help the Zionist regime in the midst of this regime’s war with Hamas called “precious” in Gaza.

However, Biden during a press conference on the occasion of the four-day ceasefire in the war for the release of 50 prisoners of the Zionist regime. With Hamas, he pointed out that the implementation of the bet proposal to provide military aid to Tel Aviv in the current situation could disrupt the diplomatic process of this country.

Biden Referring to the implementation of the temporary ceasefire plan and the exchange of prisoners between Hamas and the Zionist regime, he said that I think that this thinking is a “valuable idea”, but I don’t think that if we had started with it, we would have reached where we are today. He added that the proposal should be implemented at another time. His government has criticized the Zionist regime for its firm support during the conflicts between this regime and Hamas, and these criticisms have intensified with the increase in the number of civilian deaths in Gaza.

“Bernie Sanders”, one of the Democratic legislators opposed to Biden’s positions in this field, in an article he wrote in the New York Times, clearly pointed out that “Biden’s signature blank check approach to Israel must change as soon as possible”.

This senior senator and American Jew wrote in this article: The United States must make it clear that although we are friends of Israel, there are conditions for this friendship. And we cannot participate in actions that violate international laws and our position. Palestinian health has so far resulted in the martyrdom of more than 13,000 Palestinians, of which more than 4,600 were children.

In his new statements, Biden Kurds have pressured Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of this regime, to adopt a better position regarding the life and welfare of civilians in Gaza. The US President said: I have encouraged the Prime Minister of Israel to focus on trying to reduce the number of war casualties while fighting Hamas, and this is a very difficult task.

However, progressive Democrats argued that the military strategy of the Zionist regime puts many Palestinian civilians at risk. have been pressured to call for a long-term ceasefire during the conflicts.

Sanders in his critical statements regarding the current policies of the Zionist regime stated that this regime It should understand that not even a penny will be given to it by the United States, unless it makes fundamental changes in its political and military positions.

The United States has always All countries that receive military aid are required to comply with international law in their use, however, progressive democrats argue that this idea is completely ignored in the case of the Zionist regime, and its brutal attacks against the Palestinian people in Gaza are all They are a clear example of this lawlessness.

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